
  • 网络terminal box;CTB;TV.FM
  1. ITER超导馈线系统中TF线圈终端盒冷屏的设计

    The design of thermal shield for ITER TF coil terminal box

  2. ITER终端盒结构设计

    Structural design of ITER coil terminal box

  3. 线圈终端盒(CTB)是国际热核聚变实验堆超导磁体系统的重要组成部分,其内部组件的漏热常常是整个磁体系统的主要漏热源之一,在很大程度上决定着低温系统的液氦消耗量。

    Coil terminal box ( CTB ) is the important constituent of the International Thermal-Nuclear Experimental Reactor superconducting magnet system . The heat leak of its components is frequently the main heat load source of the ( superconducting ) magnet which decides consume of liquid helium of the cryogenic system .

  4. 国际热核聚变实验堆磁体线圈终端盒的设计

    Design of Coil Terminal Box for International Thermal-Nuclear Experimental Reactor Superconducting Magnet

  5. 你可以在安装在墙上的大型布线上找到接线柱成为终端盒。

    You 'll find binding posts on huge wall-mounted things called terminal boxes .

  6. 全部预置线路&配置弹性接线片的终端接线盒,不需要再缠绕和捻接电源线。

    Completely pre-wired - with pressure lug terminal block eliminating need for splicing or taping of wires .

  7. 该系统由电视作显示终端、机顶盒作操作平台、网络存储器作为系统核心,提供下载、存储、远程控制等功能,使网络存储器不再独立化,成为真正的家庭媒体中心。

    This system consists of 3 parts : TV plays as display terminal ; STB plays as operation platform ; as the system core , NAS provide P2P downloading , storage and remote control , making NAS become a real family feasibility media center .

  8. 对于终端为IP机顶盒的流媒体系统,存在网络资源和缓存资源同时受限的情形。

    While terminal be IP set-top box stream media system , network bandwidth and client buffer are both constrained .

  9. 作为IPTV业务承载的终端,网络机顶盒越来越受到各网络产品开发商的重视。

    As the IPTV service terminal , the IPSTB more and more interests receives various networks product developers .

  10. 随着Internet技术的广泛应用,家庭网络迅速普及,DSL逐渐发展为宽带接入技术的主流,更多的网络终端设备如机顶盒、家庭网关等被部署到网络中。

    With the wide application of Internet technology , the rapid popularity of home networking , DSL gradually developed into the mainstream of broadband access technologies . More network terminal equipments such as home gateways are deployed to the network .

  11. IPTV网络电视将电视机、个人电脑及手持设备作为显示终端,通过机顶盒或计算机接入宽带网络,实现数字电视、时移电视、互动电视等服务。

    The television , personal computer and mobile devices are used in IPTV . Through the STB or computer connects to the net , the IPTV brings the service to us like digital TV , mobile TV and interactive TV .

  12. J2ME(Java2Platform,microedition)平台是Sun公司为目前正飞速发展的众多消费电子和嵌入式设备,如手机、个人数字助理终端、电视机顶盒以及车载通信系统等,所提供的Java应用平台解决方案。

    The J2ME ( Java 2 Platform , Micro Edition ) is a Java platform that specifically addresses the needs of commodities in the vast and rapidly growing consumer and embedded devices , such as mobile phones , PDAs , TV set-top boxes , and vehicle telematics systems .

  13. 系统全面地阐述了有线数字视频广播系统所涉及的技术以及ATSC系统的构成,并针对ATSC终端接收设备机顶盒,在工作原理、模块构成和关键技术方面作了较为详细的介绍。

    Techniques involved in ATSC system and the system composition are expounded systematically and all-sidedly . A detailed introduction is given to the operation principle , module composition and key technique of the ATSC terminal receiving unit-set-top box .

  14. 中国的电视机普及率远远高于PC(personalcomputer,个人计算机)机,因此,对于宽带流媒体服务来说,需要进行接入终端的扩展,从现有的PC终端扩展到机顶盒终端。

    Television is more prevalent than personal computer in China , so , the Broad-Band media service must develop the terminal from personal terminal to set-top box terminal .