
  • 网络the ultimate question
  1. 这些都是生命、宇宙和万物的终极问题。

    This is the Ultimate Question of Life , the Universe , and Everything .

  2. 这是每一个想创业的人必须回答的终极问题。在你开始创业之前,请认真思考一下,自己是否真的具备创业的决心和迫切欲望。

    That is the ultimate question any would-be entrepreneurs must ask themselves . Before you embark on a start-up , think hard if you really possess the resolution and sheer desire to make it happen .

  3. 物理学家研究复杂网络的终极问题是什么?

    What is the ultimate goal of the study of complex networks ?

  4. 这是本文的终极问题。

    This is the ultimate aim of this paper .

  5. 很显然他们换掉了终极问题

    Apparently , they changed the big question .

  6. 我们的问题,终极问题。

    And our problem , the final problem .

  7. 东方主义作为权力传播的方式,它的影响,是赛义德关注的终极问题。

    So as a circulation of power , the effect of Orientalism is something that ultimately concerns Said .

  8. 宗教获得这种力量的原因在于宗教解决了人对终极问题的关注。

    Religion has solved the ultimate problems which people concern for , so that it gains such a great power .

  9. 我仍然对那些终极问题很困惑,例如生命的意义何在,宇宙是否会无限延伸。

    I am still puzzled by the Ultimate Questions , such as What It 's All About and Whether the Universe Will Expand Forever .

  10. 我的一生都痴迷于这些终极问题,并尝试用科学去找到这些问题的答案。

    All my life , I hxdye been fascinated by the big questions that face us , and hxdye tried to find scientific answers to them .

  11. 好像一艘暴风雨来临前已经受创的小船,生活危机和接连不断的失意可能把我们推入那个深处,去思索人生的那些终极问题。

    Crisis or continual disappointment may drive us , like a boat battered before a storm , to consider the deeper , the ultimate questions of life .

  12. 如何使多元的期待能够得以和谐的实现,可能是假释的终极问题,也是所有关于假释的研究与实践的方向。

    Maybe how to realize pluralistic expectation in harmony is a direction to on all the research and practice on parole , as well as an ultimate issue .

  13. 通过晚清的农业改良,取得了一定的成就,同时也存在问题,它不能解决中国农业发展的终极问题,只能为中国农业近代化做出铺垫。

    Though Agricultural Improvement has its achievement in modern history , it cannot solve the final problem of China agriculture and it is only the beginning of modernization of agriculture .

  14. 它为人类存在这一终极问题提供的答案,满足了个体化程度最高、最清醒社会成员的需要,并回答了生活意义这一命运悠关的疑问。

    To the ultimate questions of human existence it provides answers which satisfy the most developed and discriminating members of the society and the fateful question of the meaning of life .

  15. 人的自由全面发展,既是马克思主义学说的最高理论价值,又是人类社会发展要求解决的终极问题。

    Free and overall development of human kind , is both the highest theoretical value of Marxism theory , and the ultimate problem to be solved in the development of human society .

  16. 起源问题一直是人类探索的终极问题,不同的民族和文明都有着于起源的传说和故事。

    The origin of the world is the ultimate question of human exploration . There are many legend and stories about the origin , different nations and civilizations have their legend and stories .

  17. 米切姆认为,工程设计的出现使制造转向了思考,设计的理想化模型正是工程伦理应讨论的终极问题。

    Mitcham believed that the design in engineering caused ' making ' change into ' thinking ' and the idealized model of engineering was precisely the ultimate question of discussions of ethics of engineering .

  18. 生和死是人类的终极问题,但是在僧人看来,生和死只是两种状态,因此在面对死亡时,僧人往往表现出一种求死的内驱力。

    Birth and death are the ultimate questions of human beings , but by the monks view , they are only the two kinds of state , so when facing death , monks often show driving force to seek to die .

  19. 实现代际公平意义重大,它是关系人类世代延绵发展、地球文明延续传承的哲学终极问题,然而其实现过程亦困难重重,任重道远。

    To achieve inter-generation Fairness is of great significance . It is a philosophical problem which related to the development of mankind to stretches from generation to generation and passes the earth civilization on . But there are also difficulties to realize it .

  20. 旅行主题反映的主要思想就是人寻找物质和精神上的家园过程中的体验,这其实也是不断困扰西方历代人对时代思考的一个终极问题。

    The main ideas that the traveling theme reflects are the experience on the road of searching for the physical home and spiritual garden . In fact , this is the ultimate problem that has constantly puzzled western generations in their thoughts about the time .

  21. 但同时,他们却被普遍地误读:大众感兴趣的不是他们对历史、人生等终极问题的思索,而是对历史隐秘与权谋斗争的窥探。

    While they are widely misread : the public concentrated their eyes on the historical secrets and the tussle of power and tricks , but not the ultimate probation on history and life , on which they had spent most of their energy and heart .

  22. 肌理作为全因素绘画的基本语言之一,是油画本体语言中的一个重要元素。它既是一个基础问题,又是一个画面语言的终极问题,具有其双重性。

    The texture , one of the fundamental language of the all-factors drawing , is an important element of the ontology language of the oil panting , It is both the basic issue and the ultimate issue of the painting language , which has the dual-nature .

  23. 物理终极探索问题的哲学意涵与认知价值

    On the Philosophical Implication and Cognitive Value of " Ultimate Probing " in Physics

  24. 并分析理论解释的不可接受的原因及理论的终极性问题。

    And analyzing the unacceptable reasons that the theories explanations and the ultimate problems of theories .

  25. 史铁生从个体生命出发,对困扰人类的终极性问题作了深刻而执着的探索。

    Leaving from single human being , he made a deep and persistent exploration on the ultimate problems which have been puzzling humanity .

  26. 他们思索和探寻:社会与个人、存在状态与存在意义、找寻与出路等一系列的终极性问题。

    They ponder and explore a series of final problems such as society and individual , existing state and existing meaning , and efforts to look for way-out .

  27. 耶酥受难与基督教的生命伦理学&兼论终极关怀问题耶酥会早期布教与中日传统社会背景

    Calamity of Jesus and Ethics of Life Ultimate Love Early Missionary Work by the Society of Jesus and a Comparison of Traditional Society Backgrounds between Ancient China and Japan

  28. 人的定义是个众说纷云的话题,本文以宗教与人的终极关注问题为视角点,给出了一种关于人的新的定义。

    The definition of people is a topic causing different opinions , this article shows a new definition of people , from the view of considering religion and the ultimate of people .

  29. 只有确立保护保护消费者目标的核心地位,才能解决消费者问题,才能发挥市场在资源配置上的基础性作用,才能正确回答竞争法的终极性问题。

    It is true that only regarding protect-consumer as the core goal of the competition law that can resolve the problem of consumer , exert the function of the market , and answer the ultimate question of competition law .

  30. 张载以“气化实体论”哲学反对佛教与道教的虚无论,用实学的精神重新解释了儒家传统宗教观中神灵、魂魄、怪异观念及终极关怀问题。

    He defies nihilism of Buddhism and Taoism with the philosophy of " substantialism as qi " . He explains anew the ideas of divinities , souls and mysteries and problems of ultimate care embodied in Confucian traditional views on religion with the spirit of practicality .