- 网络discontinued operations

The research results can help investors to classify earnings components into the following categories : earnings components arisen as a result of re-measurement of assets and liabilities , earnings from discontinued operations and financial earnings .
The International Comparison of Discontinuing Operations Accounting Standards and Exertion
Carries on the confirmation from characteristic and time aspects to discontinuing operations ;
The investor may terminate the business in advance if they consider such termination is to their best interest .
The company is not smooth in operation for many reasons which sometimes lead to termination . Accounting Standards for Discontinuing Operations : A Comparative Study
And carrying on the investigation of information disclose situation to 11 listed company of Shanghai and Shenzhen two cities which occurred discontinuing operations in 2004 , discovers existed question .
More than a thousand ordinary people and police had been killed . Women had been kept in purdah , schools and bridges had been blown up , businesses had closed .
( JiaShu Ge2002 ) Discontinuing operations is the assets reorganization way of the enterprise implementing the contraction strategy , the enterprise contraction is not the symbol of company bankruptcy , but is a reasonable strategic choice of corporate growth .
Nowadays , uncertainty of going-concern is almost the norm of each enterprise , almost all enterprises are in the condition between going-concern and non going-concern . How to keep the condition of going-concern for a long time is what all enterprises are looking for .
In cases where taxpayers who owe duty undergo cancellation , disband , go bankrupt or terminate business in accordance with the law during the period when the bonded goods or goods entitled to duty exemption or reduction are under supervision , they shall report to the customs before liquidation .
However , the actual termination of the enterprise would only occur in the spring of 2011 .