
  • 网络cultural expectation;culture expectations
  1. 这样的文化期待会鼓励名叫“凯瑟琳”的人更勤奋、更热衷学术,并会逐渐影响脸部肌肉的发育,这也许是长时间集中注意力的缘故。

    Such cultural expectations may encourage ' Katherines " to be more studious and academic , which could gradually influence the development of facial muscles , perhaps through increased concentration .

  2. 异化翻译策略:全球一体化走向中的文化期待

    Foreignization : A Cultural Expectation in the Context of Globalization

  3. 翻译教学中的文化期待图式

    Cultural Expectation Schema in Translation Teaching

  4. 文化期待图式有三种类型:内容图式、形式图式和语法图式。

    By analyzing the psychological processes of translation , three types of schemata are discussed , i.e. : content schema , formal schema and grammar schema .

  5. 中西两种文化期待图式存在差异,在翻译过程中运用图式理论导入文化有四种方法,即:导入背景文化,丰富知识网络;

    The main differences in cross-culture schematic expectations between China and the west are also dealt with and four ways of cultural introduction under schema theory are presented : introducing the background culture to enrich the network ;

  6. 组织媒体去参观福建土楼,此乃许多文化人期待已久之事。

    A group of media organized a tour to Fujian Tulou , famous mud towers in Fujian , China , a fascinating attraction to the culturati .

  7. 为什麽我知道我这个心处在钱、社会、文化、期待、朋友、习气跟尘劳上呢?

    Why do I know that the dwelling of my mind on money , societal and cultural expectations , friends , habits and senses belong to the false and not the real mind ?

  8. 客观因素包括教育政策、教育评估、学校文化、社会期待等方面。

    And objective factors include educational policy , education evaluation , evaluation of teachers , school culture , the expectation of society and so on .

  9. 反低俗成为了当今社会的一个焦点,弘扬优秀民族文化为公众所期待。

    Counter-vulgarization is the focus in the society , while the advanced culture should be promoted with more efforts .

  10. 全球范围内的研究结果显示,我们的自尊心是由文化规范和社会期待所决定的,即使我们声称自己不受这两者影响。

    Global surveys have found that cultural norms and expectations are what determine our self-esteem , even if we claim we 're above the pressure .

  11. 辽代金银器中之西方文化和宋文化的因素期待中华文化黄金时代的重现

    The Element of the Western Culture and Song Culture in the Gold and Silver Plates ; Chinese culture & Awaiting a new golden age

  12. 现代教师文化理念的树立,要从教师文化生态、角色期待、多元文化共生和多话语文化共展的视域来解读。

    The erection of modern teacher culture philosophy should be understood from teacher culture zoology , role expection , symbiosis of various cultures and common development of multi-language cultures .

  13. 儿童在与教师共同的文化分析活动中反思自身的经验、意识和行为,激发对文化生长的期待,选择被欣赏的文化对象进行接触和学习,以引领自身文化的发展。

    In the common cultural analysis of teachers and children , children reflect their experience , consciousness and actions , simulate the expectation of cultural development , and choose appreciated cultural object for exchange and study .

  14. 在西方网络文化的影响下,非西方国家受众的价值观念、思想行为与主流文化的期待产生种种背离已成为一种可能。

    With the influence of western cyberculture , it is possible that the value , ideological action and the expectation of main-stream culture in the non-western countries can cause paradox .

  15. 如果没有这些价值理念的支撑,一般意义上的比较方法,甚至是跨越文化、语言、民族的比较研究,同样不能保证得到这个时代的文化对话所期待的结果。

    Without the support of such value ideas , the comparative method in the general sense cannot guarantee a satisfactory result of the cultural dialogue expected by this era even if such a research is cross-cultural , cross-lingual and cross-national .

  16. 这一系列文化活动,将使冬季的哈尔滨成为欢腾的冰雪文化乐园。欢迎您中外游客,冰雪文化乐园期待您留下浓重的色彩。

    Harbin in winter will become a delighted paradise of ice and snow cultural .

  17. 文化消费品的数量与文化消费者真实需要之间的脱节、文化消费品的质量与文化消费者的精神期待之间的差距,构成粗放型文化消费的基本矛盾和性状。

    The form of the basic contradiction and characteristics of " extensive consumption " is caused by the gap between the number of the consumables and real needs of the consumers , and the differentiation between the quality of consumables and the expectation of the consumers .