
  1. 我要Pattinson的给你们好棒棒极了

    I take Pattinson ' s.Here you go . Yes , this is cool .

  2. 基于这个评论,我在苹果5s。苹果6,苹果6+,iPadAir和iPadAir2都安装了第九代操作系统,无一例外,都运行得棒棒哒。

    Having said that , I 've run iOS 9 betas on an iPhone 5S , an iPhone 6 , iPhone 6 Plus , an iPad Air and an iPad Air 2 , and all performed extremely well .

  3. 那个金发女郎要骑我的棒棒哟。

    That bionde over there wants to ride my wrinkiestick , yo .

  4. 我真的很想在夏季到来之前把身体练得棒棒的。

    I really want to get in shape before summer .

  5. 大家欢迎棒棒的妮可·波乐曼

    Please welcome the amazing girl called Nicole Bohlmann .

  6. 重庆以它的麻辣火锅,棒棒军和美女著名。

    Chongqing is well known for its spicy hot pot , laborers and beauties .

  7. 以下就是女人没有男人也可以棒棒哒的11个理由。

    Here are the 11 reasons a woman can do perfectly well without a man .

  8. 一个棒棒冰2美金

    One Bomb Pop . Two dollars .

  9. 是的,火和草,和咱们家棒棒柴一样。

    Yes , fire and grass , and firewood as Bang Bang in our house .

  10. 他身体棒棒的,用是不完的劲,他从不站着踢球。

    His fitness is terrific , he has that restless energy , he never stands still .

  11. 棒棒赛车总谐波失真是一种乐趣,动感十足的赛车游戏,有凉爽的视觉效果和抽水了跑车。

    Bang Bang Racing THD is a fun , action-packed racing game that has cool visuals and pumped-up sports cars .

  12. 经对低温供热堆的部分物理特点分析,提出了控制棒棒位优化。

    Some physical characters of nuclear heating reactor are analyzed , and the concept of optimizing control rod position is induced .

  13. 有人认为圣诞老人,雪人,驯鹿,和插满糖果的棒棒一点宗教意义也没有。

    Some people think that Santa Claus and talking snowman and flying reindeer and candy-cane trees have any religious significance at all .

  14. 自由翻译是辛苦的重庆棒棒,不同的是,再累也难得流下一滴汗水;

    Freelancer is a backbreaking Chongqing stick-man ; the difference is that he hardly breaks a sweat even in a highly tiring state .

  15. 我们不全能上前线光荣作战,可我们全能把身体练得棒棒的!

    We don 't all have the privilege of fighting in the front line , but at least we can all keep fit .

  16. 粉丝、米线、河粉、挂面、蜡烛、多包奶、多排火腿肠、多支棒棒冰、多料包方便面、五连包方便面等单体或集合包装。

    Vermicelli , rice line , river vermicelli , fine dried noodles , candle , many package milk , many row ham , many branch , many .

  17. 有些加入了“棒棒军”,肩挑竹竿(本地方言又叫“棒棒”)从事货物运送。

    Some join the bangbang army , composed of the poorest migrants carrying heavy loads on their shoulders suspended from bamboo poles bang bangs in local parlance .

  18. 坐在凸露的岩石边缘绝对是很刺激并且危险的,但是你看到的风景却是棒棒哒。

    Sitting on the edge of the outcropping is absolutely breathtaking and risky , but the view you get to see once you reach the spot is amazing .

  19. 广泛适用于棒棒冰、果奶、果汁饮料、牛奶、酸奶、豆奶、吸吸冻等饮料的灌装封口。

    It is applicable to filling jelly , fruit milk , acidophilus milk , milk , soy milk , ice-lolly and other kinds of soft drinks , ect .

  20. 与能量控制、模糊控制、棒棒控制等常用的起摆控制方法相比,基于误差反馈的方法能在较短的时间内实现起摆。

    Compared with the commonly used energy control , fuzzy control and Bang-Bang control method , the inverted pendulum based on the deviation function swings up with less time .

  21. 废料棒虽比新棒棒产生的热量少,但有迹象显示废棒子正在熔化并释放出极高的辐射。

    While spent fuel rods generate significantly less heat than newer ones , there are strong indications that the fuel rods have begun to melt and release extremely high levels of radiation .

  22. 该文分别使用棒棒电极和多针-板电极系统,基于水中脉冲放电法,研究了高压脉冲电流对多种典型染料废水的处理效果。

    A high voltage discharge was used to treat some typical types of textile processing wastewater using two kinds of electrode systems , a multineedle to plate system and a needle to needle system .

  23. 依我个人观点来看,当今社会一个年轻人如果拥有优秀的品德(如孝顺)、积极面对挑战、坚毅刚强,那么他她一定会是棒棒的。

    In my eyes , if a child has nice character ( eg filial piety ) and is ready to challenge in society with a strong will , then he or she must be brilliant .

  24. 爱德蒙为了装得象个死人,故意把自己挺得硬棒棒地,于是由那举火把的人引路,这一队人就开始走上楼梯。

    Edmond stiffened himself in order to play the part of a dead man , and then the party , lighted by the man with the torch , who went first , ascended the stairs .

  25. 令人惊叹的剧情,各种元素很好地结合在了一起,最近我开始看中剧和韩剧,我想一般来说肯定会被吸引到,演员们都棒棒哒!

    Amazing storyline , well put together . I recently , started watching Chinese and Korean drama . I must say , watching movies like this definitely got me hooked . The actors are amazing !

  26. 造型粗厚,口感柔韧的米粉条,新鲜的蔬菜,加上芝麻酱,香醋和辣椒油,最后撒上一点炒熟的花生和芝麻,这就完成了。棒棒哒!

    Dress the chunky , chewy jelly noodles and fresh vegetables with sesame sauce , vinegar , and chili oil , and then sprinkle some toasted peanuts and sesame for the final touch . Voila .

  27. 现在我的猫猫可以每天在家睡觉了,因为换了棒棒柴,看了棒棒柴的介绍,觉得狐狸评价它说的很有道理,受益匪浅。

    Now my cat can sleep at home every day , because the wood for the Bang Bang , Bang Bang saw the introduction of firewood , it said that Fox 's assessment makes sense , benefit .

  28. 早上好,送你清新的问候,温馨的祝福,清晨,美好的开始,祝你今天精神棒棒,活力多多,心情好好,一切都好!

    Good morning , give you fresh greetings , warm wishes , early morning , a good start , I wish you the spirit of Bang Bang today , lots of energy , feeling good , all right !