
  • 网络Ginza;Ginza Tokyo;Tokyo Ginza
  1. 与此同时,其东京银座店可能为其增加了一点点急需的魅力。

    Meanwhile , the Ginza store may add a bit of badly needed glamour .

  2. 日本书商盛冈三行(YoshiyukiMorioka)想出一个不同寻常的创意:他在奢侈品店林立的东京银座(Ginza)开了家小书店,且一周只卖一种书。

    Japanese bookseller Yoshiyuki Morioka has come up with a highly unusual concept for a bookstore - he sells one book at a time in a tiny shop located in Ginza , Tokyo 's luxury shopping district .

  3. 东京银座的蓝芬服饰店中设置了无数个小窗口,随著经过的人及观看角度的不同,可展现各种不同的风情。

    For example , in Lanvin Boutique , innumerable small windows give various expressions of architecture depending on people 's movements , sunlight at different times , and angles of observation .

  4. 范思哲已经关闭了在日本的商店,路易威登近期也取消了在东京银座地区新开一家巨型商店的计划。银座对东京而言,就相当于纽约的第五大道。

    Versace has shuttered its outlets in Japan , while Louis Vuitton recently canceled plans for a glitzy new megastore in the Ginza , Tokyo 's equivalent of New York 's Fifth Avenue .

  5. 在东京银座商业街的苹果店,一名上班族将一束白百合送给2名苹果门店店员,称这是给乔布斯的,然后鞠躬离去。

    In Tokyo , at the Apple store in the Ginza shopping district , a salary man presented a bouquet of white lilies to2 Apple staff members . " These are for Steve Jobs ," he said , bowing and leaving .

  6. 东京银座的商店正准备打烊,导游正在劝说两名来自中国成都的游客回到大巴车上,而这两名游客关于质量、款式和做工的讨论达到了高潮。

    With the shops in Tokyo 's Ginza district preparing to close for the day , and the tour guide begging they return to the coach , two tourists from Chengdu , China , hit a crescendo in their debate over quality , styling and workmanship .

  7. 1912年的今天,日本首个出租车服务在东京的银座开始。

    1912-Japan 's first taxicab service begins in Ginza , Tokyo .

  8. 东京高档的银座购物区也因中国购物者的大量拥入正生意兴隆。

    Tokyo 's upscale Ginza shopping district is getting a boost from the influx of Chinese shoppers , too .

  9. 当天,在东京繁华的银座购物中心,兴奋的购物大军冲进新光百货商场抢购2万多只幸运包。

    In Tokyo 's glitzy Ginza shopping district , excited shoppers dashed inside the Mitsukoshi department store to grab over 20000 lucky bags .

  10. 前几天我在[东京的]银座看到,手拎顶级品牌购物袋的全是中国人。

    I was in [ Tokyo 's ] Ginza the other day , and the only people with top-end brand shopping bags in their hands were Chinese .

  11. 东京高档社区银座的苹果专卖店外,在离开门营业还有10分钟的时候,就已有750人左右在排队,人们还伴着热烈的节奏高呼口号。

    About 750 people lined up outside Apple store in Tokyo 's posh Ginza neighborhood as of ten minutes before opening time , chanting with a revved-up fanfare .

  12. 迷失于通缩中的10年,改变了东京高档购物区银座(Ginza)的景象。

    A decade lost to deflation has changed the landscape in Ginza , Tokyo 's premium shopping district .

  13. 由于这个原因,3月16日他在东京最时尚的繁华购物街——东京银座——开设了其史上最大的购物店。

    So on March 16th he opened his biggest-ever store in Ginza , Tokyo 's smartest street .