
  • 网络cross;Neelie Kroes;Kroos;Toni Kroos
  1. 她鲁莽的态度让克罗斯感到有点吃惊。

    Cross was a little taken aback by her abrupt manner .

  2. 那名男子的目光落在了克罗斯的脸上。

    The man let his eyes settle upon Cross 's face .

  3. 克罗斯听得到他对萨拉低声说话。

    Cross could hear him speaking in low tones to Sarah .

  4. 克罗斯没有答话,脸上的表情也毫无变化。

    Cross didn 't answer ; his facial expression didn 't change

  5. “你可以信赖我,”克罗斯向他保证。

    ' You can depend on me , ' Cross assured him .

  6. 克罗斯清了清嗓子,开始有礼貌地低声说话。

    Cross cleared his throat and spoke in low , polite tones .

  7. 今天我听人说了关于克罗斯的最令人难以置信的话。

    Today I heard somebody say the damnedest thing about Cross

  8. 简挡住了克罗斯的视线,他什么也看不见。

    Jane blocked Cross 's vision and he could see nothing

  9. 克罗斯决定用上点乞求和哄骗。

    Cross decided to beg and wheedle a bit

  10. 克罗斯简要地叙述了事情的经过,把当时发生的情况一五一十地说了一遍。

    Cross sketched the story briefly , telling the facts just as they had happened .

  11. 克罗斯怨怪自己瞎操心。

    Cross chided himself for worrying

  12. 克罗斯的兴趣浓厚起来。

    Cross 's interest heightened .

  13. “慢慢来,”克罗斯对他说,“我一点都不急。”

    ' Take your time , ' Cross told him . ' I 'm in no hurry . '

  14. 由克里斯多夫•克罗斯为1984年洛杉矶奥运会的创作的官方曲目《AChanceforHeaven》,也远远没有达到他本人的最佳水准。

    Christopher Cross ' A Chance for Heaven , the official track of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics , was far from a personal best ;

  15. 克罗斯对英国广播公司(BBC)表示,虽然经历了法律纠纷,他还是会再买一只苹果手表。

    Mr Cross told the BBC that despite the dispute , he would be buying another Apple Watch .

  16. 多年来,有些作家看到了这些素材,其中包括《重逾天堂》(HeavierThanHeaven)的作者查尔斯·R·克罗斯(CharlesR.Cross),这本书也被视为为柯本盖棺论定的传记。

    Some of the material had been seen over the years by writers , including Charles R. Cross , whose Heavier Than Heaven is regarded as the definitive Cobain biography .

  17. 斯托克后卫赖恩。邵克罗斯在铲断Ramsey腿的问题上打破沉默,说他现在还没有接到阿森纳中场的任何回音。

    Ryan Shawcross , the Stoke City defender , has broken his silence on the tackle that broke Aaron Ramsey 's leg and said that he is yet to receive any contact from the Arsenal midfield player .

  18. 克罗斯也不断地作感恩祷告。

    Cross , too , is counting his blessings .

  19. 克罗斯说:我们听后非常高兴。

    " We were elated ," Cross says .

  20. 克罗斯教授指出了其它一些存在于公司内部、阻碍合作的障碍。

    Prof Cross has identified some of the other corporate obstacles that prevent collaboration .

  21. 安德鲁斯,克罗斯和程将以此为序接受医生们计划的3人一组的外科手术。

    With Andrews , Cross and Cheng lined up , doctors scheduled the triple surgery .

  22. 它还在克罗斯特斯举办一些活动,作为达沃斯论坛的补充。

    It also holds some of its events in Klosters to complement the Davos programme .

  23. 克罗斯戴着一个呼吸器,只能用热泪作为回应。

    Cross , on a respirator , responded the only way he could & with tears .

  24. 当时弗雷尔否认和他有任何暧昧,并说和克罗斯只是朋友关系。

    At the time Friel denied any romance an said that Cross was just a friend .

  25. 克罗斯请求爱神阿佛洛狄特赋予了它美丽的容貌;

    She asked the help of Aphrodite , the goddess of love , who gave her beauty ?

  26. 在希腊传说中,玫瑰是希腊花神克罗斯缔造的。

    In Greek legend , the rose was created by Chloris , the Greek goddess of flowers .

  27. 克罗斯患有一种其家族特有的淀粉样变性疾病,它使肝脏无法分解一种叫做转体基因的蛋白。

    Cross 's disease , familial amyloidosis , prevents the liver from breaking down a protein called transthyretin .

  28. 在我们的例子中,让我们假设布莱尔和克罗斯约定平均分配利润。

    In our illustration , let us assume that Blair and Kross have agreed to share profits equally .

  29. 如果定罪,克罗斯兰德先生可能被判入狱六个月,最高可被罚款5000美元。

    Mr Crosland could be jailed for up to six months and fined up to USD 5000 if convicted .

  30. “疯狂主妇”电视剧明星玛西亚-克罗斯通过把雨靴与系带风衣搭配使其显得很时髦。

    ' Desperate Housewives'star Marcia Cross manages to make wellies look chic by teaming them with a belted trench coat .