
  • 网络Crawford Ranch
  1. 正在得克萨斯州克劳福德农场休假的美国总统布希现在有大把大把的时间用来骑山地车。下周末,他还将和七届环法自行车赛冠军兰斯·阿姆斯特朗切磋技艺。

    President Bush is getting plenty of bike time during his ranch vacation and next weekend he even gets to hit the trails with seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong .

  2. 正在得州克劳福德农场度假的美国总统布什近日公布了自己假期阅读书目。因书目中包括多本不适合休闲时拿来阅读的大部头,引来一些人的嘲讽。

    George Bush has never had a reputation as a bookworm , but for a man derided by his critics as an intellectual lightweight the president 's holiday reading list packs a punch .

  3. 希恩在克劳福德农场外的营地说:“每个人都是一个有价值的生命。每个人都是其家庭不可或缺的一员,而不是那些追求贪欲和权力的人的玩物。”

    At her campsite , Sheehan said each one was a valuable human life and an indispensable member of his or her family , so they should not be the " playthings for the people who lust for greed and power . "