
  • 网络claude;Jean-Claude;Clode;Claude Frollo
  1. 被迫离开GAN后,她求助于时任安盛首席执行官的克洛德•贝贝阿(ClaudeBébéar)。

    Forced to leave , she turned to Claude B é b é ar , Axa 's then chief executive and a fellow Polytechnique alumnus .

  2. 克洛德决非猛士:他断不会死在严刑拷打之下。

    Claude was no hero : he 'd never die under torture .

  3. 我钟情于散发着木质气味的AngéliquessouslaPluie(售价130英镑),它是Malle与让-克洛德埃莱纳(Jean-ClaudeEllena)合作的结晶。

    I 'm tempted by the woody Ang é liques sous la Pluie ( 130 ) , Malle 's collaboration with Jean-Claude Ellena .

  4. 欧洲中央银行在其行长让-克洛德•特里谢(Jean-ClaudeTrichet)的英明领导下,发挥着决定性的作用。

    The European Central Bank played a decisive role under the able leadership of its president , Jean-Claude Trichet .

  5. 欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)主席让-克洛德•容克(Jean-ClaudeJuncker)表示:“我愿与你合作,为英国的欧盟成员国身份达成公平的协议。”

    Jean-Claude Juncker , European Commission president , said : " I stand ready to work with you to strike a fair deal for the United Kingdom in the EU . "

  6. 在杰克逊霍尔货币经济学家和央行官员会议上,欧洲央行(ecb)行长让-克洛德特里谢(jean-claudetrichet)对此表达了强烈支持。

    Jean-Claude Trichet , President of the European Central Bank , gave strong support to this push at the Jackson Hole conference of monetary economists and central bankers .

  7. 在欧元区,欧洲央行(ecb)最近将主要利率维持在4%,但欧洲央行行长让-克洛德特里谢(jean-claudetrichet)暗示,有可能再次加息。

    In the eurozone , the European Central Bank held its main rate at 4 per cent last week but Jean-Claude Trichet , its president , signalled that another rise was likely .

  8. 欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)主席让-克洛德•容克(Jean-ClaudeJuncker,见上图)昨日前往巴黎,向法国的市长们(欧洲最难对付的群体之一)兜售可能是全球最大的贸易协定。

    Jean-Claude Juncker , president of the European Commission , travelled to Paris yesterday to sell potentially the world 's biggest trade deal to one of the toughest constituencies in Europe - a convention of France 's mayors .

  9. 这本可能成为卢森堡首相兼欧元区财长会议主席让-克洛德容克(jean-claudejuncker)的光荣时刻。

    This could have been a moment of glory for Jean-Claude Juncker , Luxembourg prime minister and President of the Eurogroup that brings together eurozone finance ministers .

  10. 欧元区各国财长组成的欧元集团主席让-克洛德容克(jean-claudejuncker)抱怨美元走弱以及人民币低估。

    Jean-Claude Juncker , chairman of the group of eurozone finance ministers , complained about the weakness of the dollar and the undervaluation of the Chinese renminbi .

  11. 卢森堡首相、欧元集团主席让-克洛德容克(jean-claudejuncker)应该让失衡问题成为其议程的决定性议题,同时提出具有约束力的政策。

    Jean-Claude Juncker , the Prime Minister of Luxembourg and chairman of the Eurogroup , should make imbalances the defining issue of his agenda and propose binding policies .

  12. 尽管委员会表达了对意大利银行业体系的信心,但特雷蒙蒂定于今日前往卢森堡,与欧元区财长集团轮值主席让-克洛德容克(jean-claudejuncker)会面,讨论不断升级的危机。

    While the committee expressed confidence in the Italian banking system , Mr Tremonti is due to meet Jean-Claude Juncker , head of the group of eurozone finance ministers , in Luxembourg today to discuss the burgeoning crisis .

  13. 对谷歌批评最猛烈的企业是德国出版集团斯普林格集团(AxelSpringer)。该集团在柏林和布鲁塞尔都有着强大的话语权,在让-克洛德•容克(Jean-ClaudeJuncker)竞选欧盟委员会主席时提供了至关重要的支持。

    One of the most vociferous corporate critics of Google is the Axel Springer publishing group in Germany , a powerful voice in Berlin and Brussels , and which provided crucial support for the election of Jean-Claude Juncker as the head of the European Commission .

  14. 哭泣的魔鬼背后&克洛德和希克厉生命过程之比较

    Behind the Weeping demon & The comparison of the lifetime between Claude and Heathcliff

  15. 那个胆小的可怜虫一克洛德。

    That yellow , gutless worm , claude .

  16. 人类学家克洛德·列维-斯特劳斯于10月30日逝世,享年100岁。

    Claude L é vi-Strauss , anthropologist , died on October 30th , aged 100 .

  17. 拉·爱斯梅拉达死了,海绵吸够了水,在世上,一切对于克洛德都已成为过去。

    Now , with la Esmeralda dead , the sponge was soaked , all was at an end on this earth for Dom Claude .

  18. 除了美元压力之外,欧洲央行行长让-克洛德•特里谢暗示说,欧洲央行将在下月上调利率。

    Adding to pressure on the dollar , European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet suggested that the E.C.B will raise interest rates next month .

  19. 克洛德尽管是一个副主教,但他的的确确是一个活生生的人,他对爱斯密拉达萌发的爱情是真挚专一、无可厚非的。

    An assistant bishop as he was , Clode was certainly a real man , whose love for Esmilada was true , consistent and justifiable .

  20. 克洛德是雨果《巴黎圣母院》中的人物,以往的评论大都把他当作残酷、伪善的反面人物而予以否定。

    A character in Hugo 's " Paris Cathedral ", Clode was largely negated as a cruel and hypocritic figure in most previous literary comments .

  21. 但克洛德表示,上下的成功可以开辟出一条途径,供那些没有外国合作伙伴、拥有中国核心资产、并试图做同样事情的品牌参考。

    But success could provide a pathway for other brands with core Chinese equity to try to do the same thing – without a foreign partner , Mr Clode says .

  22. 在克洛德·列维-斯特劳斯变革这门学科之前,无论在法国,还是世界其它地方,人类学普遍是下面的情形:又小又冷的讲堂,冷冷清清的课堂,各色的羽毛和鱼钩(作为人类“原始”族群文化多样性的证物)。

    Before Claude L é vi-Strauss revolutionised the discipline , anthropology in France , and generally elsewhere , was a matter of ill-attended lectures in small , cold halls , and the collection of feathers and fish-hooks as evidence of the quaint divergences of the " primitive " tribes of mankind .