
  • 网络klimt;gustav klimt
  1. 我喜欢这张克里姆特的画,

    and this is , I love this Klimt painting ,

  2. 克里姆特的画激励着我继续学习艺术课程。

    The paintings of Gustav Klimt inspire me to continue with my art classes .

  3. 克里姆特在很多照片中都是身着工作服,胡子修得尖尖的。

    Klimt himself appears in various photographs , wearing a smock and a pointed beard .

  4. 当然克里姆特和在第15和16世纪画家的图标在我的脑袋。

    And of course Klimt and icon painters of the15th and16th century were in my head .

  5. 古斯塔夫克里姆特是欧洲新艺术运动的代表,奥地利维也纳分离派的重要人物。

    Gustav Klimt is representative of European Art Nouveau and one of the important figures in Vienna secession , austria .

  6. 克里姆特对东方艺术的借鉴并不是孤立的,而是欧洲艺术的大环境决定的。

    His reference to Eastern art is not groundless . It is an inevitable trend in the development of European art .

  7. 克里姆特是维也纳分离派运动的元老,许多人将该派艺术视为“青年风格”,即德国与中欧的“新艺术运动”。

    Klimt was a founder of the Vienna Secession art movement that for many became synonymous with jugendstil , the German and central European version of art nouveau .

  8. 有一段时间,克里姆特被允许在社会的文化圈中公开地工作,创作新古典主义的、新巴洛克风格的寓言式油画。

    For a time Klimt was allowed to work on the public edifices of a society at its cultural height , creating allegorical panels in a neo-classical , neo-Baroque vein .

  9. 拜占庭奢华的艺术形式,他的用色生动,并有丰富的象征性,使他成为了克里姆特最受欢迎的艺术家之一。

    The Byzantine luxuriance of form , the vivid juxtaposition of colours and the rich symbolism , sensuality and eroticism of his work have made Klimt one of the most popular artists in the world .