
  • 网络Nabis
  1. 爱德华·维亚尔(EdouardVuillard,1868-1940)是19世纪末巴黎最活跃的艺术团体纳比派的代表画家。

    Edouard Vuillard is the representative painter of Nabis & the most active painting group in Paris in late 19 century .

  2. 纳比派的绘画艺术

    On Nabis ' Art in Painting

  3. 本文着重关注纳比派在艺术发展史上所起到的承前启后的衔接作用。

    This paper focuses on impact of the Nabis in the history of development of art .

  4. 纳比派的艺术在一百多年后的今天看来依然独具魅力,有着较高的鉴赏价值。

    In a hundred years later , the Nabis art still has its charm and a high value of appreciation .

  5. 纳比派宣称一个艺术家应该精通各个门类的艺术,包括应用美术。

    The Nabis proclaimed that an artist should be versed in various spheres of art , the applied arts included .

  6. 相反,倒是从一开始,他就朝接近于后期印象派与纳比派的方向努力。

    Rather , from the beginning , he struck out in a direction close to that of the Post-Impressionists and the Nabis .

  7. 纳比派将自己的艺术观点和想法融入到印象主义绘画中去,从而使印象主义绘画在纳比派的影响下提升到了一个全新的高度。

    Nabis merged their viewpoints and ideas of the art into Impressionist painting , therefore the Impressionist painting under the influence of the Nabis upgraded to a new level .