
  • 网络turner;Joseph Mallord William Turner
  1. 这是透纳1844年水彩画的一小部分。

    This is a detail from the 1844 Turner painting .

  2. 《维纳斯和阿多尼斯》是透纳比较重要的油画作品之一。

    Among the more important Turner oils was ' Venus and Adonis ' .

  3. 男性洗手比率最低的是在透纳球场(TurnerField),亚特兰大勇士棒球队的场地。

    The lowest rate of hand washing among men was at Turner Field , home of the Atlanta Braves baseball team .

  4. 高空大气中的火山微粒还制造出壮观的日落景象,被英国风景画的先驱者J·M·W·透纳(J.M.W.Turner)详细捕捉在笔下。

    The particles high in the atmosphere also produced spectacular sunsets , as detailed in the famous paintings of J.M.W. Turner , the English landscape pioneer .

  5. 英国导演迈克·李(MikeLeigh)是曾经的金棕榈奖得主,他的参赛电影《透纳先生》演绎了英国风景画家约瑟夫•玛罗德•威廉•透纳(J.M.W.Turner)的一生。他说在戛纳电影节上放映电影是一种“很棒的体验。”

    British director Mike Leigh , a past winner of the Palme d'Or , whose " Mr Turner " is based on the life of the British landscape painter J.M.W. Turner , said screening a film at Cannes is " a great experience . "

  6. 而作为实验主义者的透纳迎接了这个挑战。

    And Turner , ever the experimentalist , took the challenge .

  7. 透纳与康斯特布尔是英国最主要的浪漫主义画家。

    Turner and Constable were the leading romantic painters in britain .

  8. 威廉-透纳在美术史上是一位重要的画家。

    William Turner is an important artist in the history of art .

  9. 她说过她姓透纳的,你们也听见了。

    She said her name was turner , you heard .

  10. 透纳还从这位伟大军事家的行为中获得了其他好处。

    Turner benefited from the great commander 's deeds in another way too .

  11. “莱辛巴赫瀑布”透纳的杰作

    Falls Of The Reichenbach . Turner 's masterpiece .

  12. 透纳通过绘画使自己摆脱了贫困。

    Turner escaped the poverty trap by drawing .

  13. 但其中所表现出来的一些特点在透纳后来的作品中变得越来越明显。

    But it shows elements that would become more pronounced in his later works .

  14. 透纳的想法是,即使这个人类组建的帝国开始兴盛,自然力量仍然主导一切。

    So even if this man-made empire is beginning , natural forces dominate over all .

  15. 这幅画显然出自名家之手,不是透纳就是康斯特布尔。

    This painting is clearly the work of a master , either Turner or constable .

  16. 透纳出生的年代是英国艺术界改革的激励人心的时代。

    The art world into which Turner was born in Britain was going through exciting times .

  17. 但同时透纳也是一个控制欲极强的艺术家,喜欢自己创造自己的神话。

    But he also was a control freak and an artist who built his own myth .

  18. 而透纳开始创作他一生钻研、挚爱的风景画。

    But Turner had begun to develop what became a life long love of landscape painting .

  19. 但我们不应仅仅用作品的多少来衡量透纳一生的成就。

    But it isn 't just quantity , through which Turner 's life should be measured .

  20. 但我认为透纳真正的贡献在于他的水彩画。

    But I think Turner 's real artistic laboratory was the art of the water color .

  21. 旅行使透纳变得精神饱满,他不断地将精力投入到大量的风景画创作当中。

    Invigorated by his travels , Turner continued to plow his energies into his prolific landscape painting .

  22. 这些油画充分证明透纳不仅仅是一个水彩画家。

    These pulsating oil paintings made it abundantly clear that Turner wasn 't just a water colorist .

  23. 根据当时医生的记录,就在透纳临死前,黯淡的日光使他的房间昏暗起来。

    The doctor noted that just before he passed away , the room was darkened by the dull day .

  24. 换句话说,人类取得的成果和历史本身让透纳为之敬畏。

    In other words , Turner 's awe when looking at human achievements and when looking at history itself .

  25. 媒体巨子泰德·透纳着眼于环境保育,也买下阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚土地。

    Ted Turner , the communications magnate , also has bought land in Argentine Patagonia with an eye to conservation .

  26. 至少部分由于受克劳德古典绘画的影响,透纳于1819年前往意大利。

    At least partly inspired by Claude 's classical paintings , Turner went to Italy for the first time in1819 .

  27. 透纳当时和许多其他人一样火速赶到现场观看泰晤士河岸的熊熊烈火。

    Turner had rushed to the scene along with hundreds of others to see the inferno on the banks of Thames .

  28. 1775年,在伦敦繁华的柯芬园地区,约瑟夫•马洛德•威廉•透纳在他父亲理发店的楼上出生。

    Joseph Mallord William Turner was born in1775 , above his father 's barber shop in London 's bustling Covent Garden .

  29. 一个新兴的杰出学院即将改变英国艺术的面貌,同时也为透纳提供了最重要的艺术职业训练。

    But his most important professional training came from a new and illustrious institution that would change the face of British art .

  30. 透纳出名的是,他不是用这个时间来润色,而是经常几乎从头画起。

    And famously , Turner used the time not to touch up his work but often to paint entire canvases almost from scratch .