
  • 网络the black diamond
  1. 爱到可以送它全球首款镶有施华洛世奇水晶和黑钻的24K黄金夹克吗?

    Enough to buy it the world 's first 24K gold jacket encrusted with Swarovski crystals and black diamonds ?

  2. 根据TheNangfang网站的介绍,这次的限量版汉堡是黑钻培根辣鸡腿堡和玫瑰芝士烤鸡腿堡。

    According to The Nangfang the limited edition treats consist of the Black diamond bacon spicy chicken leg burger and the Rose cheese roasted chicken leg burger 。

  3. 黑钻培根辣鸡腿堡看起来像广告上的三明治,面包上闪着油墨一样的光泽。

    The Black diamond burger looks far more similar to the sandwich advertised , with shiny ink-coloured buns 。

  4. 客户还可以选择在夹克上装饰20颗施华洛世奇水晶或20颗黑钻。

    Clients also have the option to have the jacket decorated with either 20 Swarovski crystals , or 20 black diamonds .