
fàng sì
  • presumptuous;unbridled;wanton;licence;dissolute;blatant;intemperate
放肆 [fàng sì]
  • (1) [unbridled;wanton;blatant;dissolute;intemperate]∶任意作为,不加拘束

  • 异想天开的指控和放肆的侮辱

  • (2) [presumptuous]∶[言行]轻率任意,毫无顾忌

  • 胆敢如此放肆

放肆[fàng sì]
  1. 他们用的着用放肆的激情喊出“是的,我们可以”吗?

    And should they shout " Yes we can " with such unbridled enthusiasm ?

  2. 如果你习惯于东方人的含蓄,不妨前来体验一把小丑的放肆,准能让您忘记身份。

    If you used Oriental implicative , might as well to experience a clown 's unbridled , can let you forget .

  3. 他竟敢放肆地说我太肥胖。

    He had the audacity to say I was too fat .

  4. 我今天放肆一回——我要了香槟了!

    I 'm being very naughty ─ I 've ordered champagne !

  5. 你不要对我放肆!

    Don 't you get funny with me !

  6. 你太放肆了!

    You 're getting far too cheeky !

  7. 他们当中的一些人放肆无礼,目中无人。

    Some of them were impudent and insulting .

  8. 那辆出租车的司机在我看来放肆到了无礼的地步。

    The driver of that taxi-cab seemed to me familiar to the point of impertinence

  9. 他们对他的放肆感到非常愤怒。

    They were angered by his presumption .

  10. 他放肆的举动扰乱了全班的秩序。

    His uncontrolled behavior disturbed the entire class

  11. 任性放肆的孩子会变成年轻的罪犯。

    Uncontrollable children grow into young criminals .

  12. 那个小男孩有点放肆,随随便便的。

    The boy was cheeky and casual

  13. 她知道没告诉米克就擅自冲洗他的照片是太过放肆了。

    She knew she was taking a big liberty in developing Mick 's photos without his knowledge .

  14. 别这么懦弱!他们越来越放肆了。

    Don 't be a coward ! They are getting cheeky .

  15. 胆敢如此放肆!

    How dare you take such liberties !

  16. 放肆!马上把你的手挪开。

    How dare you ? take your hand off me at once .

  17. 他自拿主张,太放肆了。

    It was presumptuous of him to take charge .

  18. 她对他放肆的行为感到有点不舒服。

    She felt uncomfortable for his licentious act .

  19. 喜欢就会放肆,但爱就是克制。

    To like someone is to run wild , but to love someone is to restrain .

  20. 他行为放肆。

    He is extravagant in behaviour .

  21. 这时候,这位儒学先生马上直起腰杆,长吁一口气,跨开大步,放肆地走起路来。

    At this moment , the Confucian moralist at once straightened up , heaved a sigh of relief and began to walk unbridledly with long strides .

  22. 他们成熟有积蓄,孩子已成年离家,努力工作多年,压力不再,所以为什么不卸下责任,放肆欢乐呢?

    They are mature people with savings , grown up children and empty nests , years of hard work , stress and pressure behind them ; so why not shed some responsibility and indulge ?

  23. 恩德斯强调:毫无疑问,他的运气、创新和放肆对VirginMedia来说是一个有价值的补充。

    There 's no doubt that his his luck , innovation and chutzpah have been a valuable addition to Virgin Media , she adds .

  24. 1987年的股灾之后,《纽约时报》(TheNewYorkTimes)在其头版为“放肆的镀金时代”祭上了一篇讣告,文章援引大思想家的话,预言肆无忌惮的自利行为行将在美国消亡。

    After the 1987 stock market crash , the New York Times offered up a page-one obituary for a " gilded , impudent age , " quoting great minds who predicted the demise of unbridled self-interest in America .

  25. EleanorRobinson,也就是考克斯的姐姐说:“白兰度是一个粗鲁放肆的小男孩,”她继续回忆道:“他把可怜的威利绑在一棵树上整整一个下午,而且还离开了他。

    The boys became fast , albeit unlikely , friends , said Eleanor Robinson , Cox 's sister . 'Marlon was a rough little boy , 'she said . 'He tied Wally to a tree one afternoon and left him .

  26. 他因对客人太放肆而受到指责。

    He was rebuked for being so free with the guest .

  27. 将英格兰队长袖标重新给他只会让他更加放肆。

    Returning the England armband would only indulge him even more .

  28. 跟她说不需要用放肆的谈吐。

    Tell her that there is no need to talk impudently .

  29. 他真放肆,问也不问一声就用我的打火机。

    He has the elfrontery to use my lighter without asking .

  30. 你敢在我面前这么放肆地开玩笑。

    You presume to jest with me in this free manner .