
  • 网络open mind;Open Doors;Porte aperte
  1. 放开心胸,让它飞走吧,记住,每个人都有犯错的时候。

    Soar above it , and remember that everyone makes mistakes .

  2. 我认为这才是最重要的事情。如果你能够放开心胸,认同其他人和其他文化,你在社会上就能更有发展。

    And I think that 's the most important thing , is if you can relate to other people , other cultures and just be open , you get much further in society , yeah .

  3. 要相信的是自己能够做到,不要再这样的颓废了,为了一小点的感情应该学会的是放开,把心胸放开一点自己会过得更快乐的!

    To believe that he can do to stop this decadence , and to a small point of emotional should learn that the liberalization of the mind that they will open up a little more happy too !