
fàng shǒu
  • let go;release;have a free hand;let go one's hold
放手 [fàng shǒu]
  • (1) [let go]∶停止掌管,转交别人

  • 我要他交给小张去办,他就是不放手

  • (2) [have a free hand]

  • (3) 松开手;撒手

  • 死不放手

  • (4) 指打消顾虑,解除不必要的约束

  • 既要谨慎,又要大胆放手

放手[fàng shǒu]
  1. 他一放手,脑袋便垂向一侧。

    When he let go the head lolled sideways

  2. 她像小孩一样紧紧攥住那些照片,不肯放手。

    She held the photos with the determined grip of a small child and wouldn 't let go .

  3. 他放手让斯蒂芬妮全权负责装修一事。

    He gave Stephanie a free hand in the decoration .

  4. 你抓紧,我要放手了。

    Hold tight . I 'm going to let go .

  5. 我们要放手地任用和提拔他们,不要畏首畏尾。

    We should boldly give them work and promote them and not be overcautious .

  6. 我让他在这件事情上放手干。

    I have given him a free hand in the matter .

  7. 他一放手,笔记本就掉了。

    He let go his hold and the notebook dropped to the ground .

  8. 我要他交给小张去办,可他就是不放手。

    I told him to let Xiao Zhang take over the job , but he refused to hand it over .

  9. 她爱他,想让他放手;

    She loves him and wants him to let her go ;

  10. 他一把放手,气鼓鼓坐在那张椅子里。

    He released his hand and sat down in the chair , fuming .

  11. 有一种爱叫做放手。

    One kind of love is called relinquishment .

  12. 只要狒狒紧抓住想要的东西不放手,它就会被牢牢困住。

    As long as the baboon holds on to what it wants , it 's trapped .

  13. 有的人认为坚持会让我们变得更强大,但有时候放手才会让我们变得更强大。——

    Some of us think holding on makes us strong , but sometimes it is letting go . -

  14. Susan必须学会放手,让她心爱的男人自由。

    Susan must learn to let go of the man she loves .

  15. IBM曾以快速转型而著称,它一方面能迅速放手陷入衰退期的业务,另一方面能作为先行者涉足新兴市场,但它如今的行动却不够迅速。

    In short , a technology company that has built its reputation on moving fast to exit aging businesses while being the first to enter new businesses is not moving fast enough .

  16. 这么做,Mila跟随了自己的真相并放手和她儿子的关系。

    In so doing , Mila followed her truth and let go of the relationship with her son .

  17. 除此之外,你应该把握这次对过去放手的机会,从而能够找寻你生命中的真爱、并和TA培养一段持久有爱的恋爱关系。

    Furthermore , you should use the opportunity to let go of the past in order to be able to find the true love of all your life and cultivate a long and loving relationship .

  18. 在胡润百富榜(HurunRichList)上,宗庆后以130亿美元的财富位居中国首富,而他还无意在短期内放手自己创立的公司。

    Ranked as China 's wealthiest man , with an estimated fortune of $ 13bn according to the Hurun Rich List , Mr Zong has no desire to let go of the company he founded in the near future .

  19. 2月24日,耶伦已为摒弃耐心承诺铺平了道路,她试图让FOMC能够更自由地放手调整利率。

    Ms Yellen had on February 24 paved the way for the patience pledge to be ditched , as she sought to give the FOMC a freer hand to change rates .

  20. 如果现在我放手U-20的管理,我希望接任者会是热心投入又具技巧的本地人材。

    If I am going to give up the management of the U20-team I want a dedicated and skilled local manager to take over the job .

  21. 国际货币基金组织的萨博•拉尔(SubirLall)和他的同事记录了一些国家“放手式”金融业的增长,而这些国家如德国、法国,传统上都是由参与式银行支配。

    Subir Lall of the IMF and his colleagues have documented the growth in " arm 's-length " finance in countries traditionally dominated by hands-on banks , such as Germany and France .

  22. 现在放手不是一件容易的事,但是迫在眉睫。

    Letting go isn 't easy , but it is timely .

  23. 但是我不能轻易对他放手。

    But I can 't give up on him that easy .

  24. 放手让他们进行研究工作。

    They were given a free hand to pursue the researches .

  25. 你就放手让事情发生在你身上?

    I 'm just going to let this happen to me ?

  26. 其余时间里,我都放手让他们去领导自己的团队。

    I have to trust my team to do the rest .

  27. 你有没有想过就这样放手?

    You ever think it 's just time to let go ?

  28. 放手吧我来我的主啊失陪一下

    Let go , already ! Dear god . Excuse me .

  29. 对了,我们不妨放手干一干!

    Yes , we may as well go the whole hog !

  30. 真正爱一个人就是要知道什么时候该放手。

    To love someone is to know when to let go .