
  • Debauchery;【法】racket
  1. 他的早死应归咎于酗酒和放荡生活。

    His early death was blamed on drink and riotous living .

  2. 真诚地祝你生日快乐。寻欢作乐的放荡生活

    Sincerest congratulations on your birthday . a giddy life of pleasure

  3. 他的放荡生活和他的清教徒教养相悖。

    His dissolute life is inconsistent with his Puritan upbringing .

  4. 她想和过放荡生活的那批人鬼混。

    She wanted to move in the fast set .

  5. 他19岁时就开始了他在哈佛大学的三年放荡生活。

    He was nineteen when he began his three riotous years at harvard .

  6. 你回归放荡生活,然后你遇到一个女孩!

    LH : You slut it up and then you meet a girl !

  7. 多年的放荡生活毁掉了他的健康。

    Years of dissipation had ruined his health .

  8. 寻欢作乐的放荡生活

    A giddy life of pleasure

  9. 他年轻的时候常过着放荡生活,现在逐渐安顿下来,我想他是厌倦了那种日子吧。

    He 's settling down now ; he used to shake a loose leg when he was young . I suppose he is tired of that now .

  10. 例如,在他的书中,他提到真北团队的一对已婚夫妇,他们希望谈论未婚之前的放荡生活。

    For example , in his book , he refers to a married couple in a true north group that wanted to talk about issues they had been having as swingers .

  11. 他接着告诉苔丝,在他的生活中有段时间产生了幻灭感,因为困惑和困难在伦敦漂泊,就像一个软木塞子在波浪中漂浮一样,跟一个陌生女人过了四十八个小时的放荡生活。

    He then told her of that time of his life to which allusion has been made when , tossed about by doubts and difficulties in London , like a cork on the waves , he plunged into eight-and-forty hours ' dissipation with a stranger .

  12. 她的脸暴露了她的年龄和放荡的生活。

    Her face was a revelation of age and dissipation .

  13. 不要过放荡的生活。

    Don 't lead a gay life .

  14. 家里其他人过着放荡的生活。

    The rest of the family led a life of excess .

  15. 这时,珍妮已经堕落,过着放荡的生活。

    At this moment , Jenny has fallen , leads a life .

  16. 他的家人为他日渐放荡的生活方式感到悲哀。

    His family were distressed by his increasingly debauched lifestyle .

  17. 他既抽烟,又喝酒,过著放荡的生活。

    He smokes and drinks and leads a loose life .

  18. 他们陶醉于如此放荡的生活而不能自拔。

    They were intoxicated with the life of debauchery .

  19. 年轻人会沉溺于放荡的生活。

    The young will sow their wild oats .

  20. 就这样过着悠游放荡的生活。

    In this way live swimming dissolute life .

  21. 他讲道的效果被他放荡的生活所抵消了。

    The effect of his preaching was counteracted by the looseness of his behavior .

  22. 典型玛丽一直过着过放荡的生活,所以直到现在没有男人愿意娶她为妻。

    Mary has been leading a dissolute life so no man wants to marry her .

  23. 他一生过着放荡的生活。

    He rioted his life out .

  24. 我想她一定是厌倦了放荡的生活,想要安定下来。

    I suppose she 'd got tired of a gay life and wanted to settle down .

  25. 在世界经历过大灾难后,人们失去了所爱,开始了放荡的生活。

    After the disruption of the world , people who lost all love all live a dissolute life .

  26. 在他的晚年,和一个斯德哥尔摩的女人第二次结了婚。这个女人唆使他过着一种奢侈放荡的生活。

    Late in life he married a second time , a Stockholm woman who goaded him into every sort of extravagance .

  27. 他不哭泣,也不祷告。他诅咒又蔑视,憎恨上帝同人类,过起了恣情放荡的生活。

    He neither wept nor prayed : he cursed and defied : execrated God and man , and gave himself up to reckless dissipation .

  28. 自从他的女儿进艺术学院以来,完全过着放荡的生活,装束像个吉普赛女郎,从不按时回家。

    Since his girl went to art college , she has run completely off the rail , dressing like a gypsy and coming home at all hours .

  29. 在十九世纪八十年代,梵高离开童年时的家,去了比利时的安特卫普市,过着放荡的生活。

    In the 1880s , van Gogh left his childhood home and went to the city of Antwerp in Belgium where he engaged in a libertine lifestyle .

  30. 然而,即使他在美国和法国没有卷进另外三宗涉嫌性侵犯的官司,有关他放荡私生活和对待女性态度的爆料,也让人难以想象他还能担当什么公共角色。

    Yet even if he were not involved in three other legal actions linked to alleged sexual assaults in the US and France , revelations about his libertine private life and attitude to women make any public role unthinkable .