
shì yuē
  • vow;pledge;solemn promise
誓约 [shì yuē]
  • [vow] 宣誓时订下的必须遵守的条文

  • 忠于誓约

誓约[shì yuē]
  1. 在经典的结婚誓约中,夫妻们承诺无论生病还是健康都要在一起。

    In the classic marriage vow , couples promise to stay together in sickness and in health .

  2. 尽管现实中并非情侣,但查宁·塔图姆(ChanningTatum)和瑞秋·麦克亚当斯(RachelMcAdams)夺得了第二名的好成绩。他们一同拍摄的电影《誓约》(TheVow)赚取1亿2500万票房。

    Meanwhile , Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams ( not romantically linked ) hit paydirt with " The Vow , " which nabbed $ 125 million to land them at \# 2 overall .

  3. 紧急事故或异常状况发生时,lng船应即依安全誓约书意外事件处置方法采取必要之紧急应变措施防范事故扩大。

    B.If emergency or abnormality occurs , the LNG carrier personnel shall take necessary countermeasures according to the safety pledge letter to prevent expanding the incident .

  4. “捐赠誓约”3年前由微软(microsoft)联合创始人比尔盖茨(billgates)和投资者沃伦巴菲特(warrenbuffett)发起,旨在促进人们对慈善行为展开辩论、并鼓励富人将钱财捐给有益的事业。

    The giving pledge , established three years ago by Bill Gates , co-founder of Microsoft , and Warren Buffett , the investor , was designed to promote a debate over philanthropy and encourage rich individuals to give money away to worthwhile causes .

  5. 第二个宝物来自Gorias城,是充满力量的光明之剑,一把无法被击败的剑,有关它的传说和誓约胜利之剑(Excalibur)的故事类似。

    The second artifact came from Gorias , and that gift was the powerful Sword of Light , an unbeatable sword whose story bears some similarities with Excalibur .

  6. 受GroverNorquist和其他来自华盛顿的税收憎恶者怂恿,许多共和党员重新履行他们的反税收“誓约”。如今,这“誓约”似乎是阻止无记名投票的出现。

    Egged on by Grover Norquist and other tax-haters from Washington , many Republicans renewed their anti-tax " pledges , " which now seem to prohibit even a vote to let other people vote .

  7. 我们已经念了我们的誓约,这足够了。

    We 're already saying our vows . that 's enough .

  8. 没有终点,永恒而完美的爱,代表誓约。

    Passion without end , eternal and perfect love , secretiveness .

  9. 与祖先沟通,母性,父权,团体关系,神的誓约(神的诅咒)。

    Ancestral communication , maternity , paternity , fellowship , divine oaths .

  10. 接纳宗教纯洁贞洁誓约的没有结婚的人。

    An unmarried person who has taken a religious vow of chastity .

  11. 在他看来,友谊是忠实无私的誓约。

    To him , friendship was a pledge of loyalty and unselfishness .

  12. 如果教会希望了解,所有的誓约都可以解除。

    If the church so wishes , * Every vow can be dissoived .

  13. 庄严地发誓给某人庄严的誓约履行[违反]庄严的誓约

    To give one 's solemn oath . keep / break a solemn vow

  14. 罗马士兵立下誓约,失败就接受惩罚。

    Roman soldiers signed a sacramentum accepting punishment in the event of failure .

  15. 他非常严厉地遵守他对贫困的誓约。

    He takes his vow of poverty very seriously .

  16. 我们的誓约没有就此止步。

    Our covenant with ourselves did not stop there .

  17. 我要放弃对上帝的誓约。

    I want to renounce my vows of obedience .

  18. 在对朋友、誓约或者理想的忠诚上毫不动摇。

    Faithful , as to a friend , vow , or cause ; loyal .

  19. 你们都必须遵守保密的誓约。

    I will remind you , you have all taken an oath of secrecy .

  20. 美国上诉法院裁决效忠誓约违宪

    US Appellate Court Rules Pledge of Allegiance Unconstitutional

  21. 主的群羊,同来祂前,更新誓约与奉献;

    Come then , come , O flock of Jesus , Covenant with Him anew ;

  22. 在誓约之下宣称是真实的。

    Asserted as true under oath .

  23. 在(保密的)誓约下,立誓(守秘)

    Under pledge ( of secrecy )

  24. 你仍然是在誓约之下。

    You are still under oath .

  25. “我问,”有什么,你将会采取的效忠誓约,从我们当时的?

    I asked , For what will you take the pledge of allegiance from us then ?

  26. 我们也都想听人们奏国歌、念誓约,高唱爱国歌曲。

    We wanted to hear the national anthem , the pledge and the Sing Singapore songs .

  27. 履行[违反]庄严的誓约

    Keep / break a solemn vow

  28. 你下来拿这个?写誓约遇到困难了?

    Did you come down here for this ? Having a iittle trouble writing your vows ?

  29. 我要履行我的誓约。

    I will fulfill my vow .

  30. 求你使拯救的时日急速来临,记念你的誓约,好叫万邦称扬你的伟业。

    Hasten the time , and remember the end , that they may declare thy wonderful works .