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shì cí
  • oath;pledge
誓词 [shì cí]
  • [oath] 起誓的言词,誓言

  • 入党誓词

誓词[shì cí]
  1. 在他的企业信威通信(XinweiTelecom)入口处,竖着一块高及天花板的红色标牌,上面用烫金大字印着中共的誓词。

    A floor-to-ceiling red board next to the entrance of his company Xinwei Telecom carries the Chinese Communist party 's oath in shiny golden characters .

  2. 法庭中使用的誓词有固定的格式

    There be a standard form of oath used In lawcourt

  3. 《独立宣言》有涉及到上帝,效忠誓词中也有“在上帝庇护之下”(undergod)这样的语句(顺便一提,这句话是在建国一百多年后才加上去的)。

    The Declaration of Independence talks about God ; the pledge of allegiance ( which , incidentally , wasn 't even created until more than a century later ) uses the words " under God " ;

  4. 我们最近让BuzzFeed社区的用户分享了他们的结婚誓词,以下就是最激动人心的几条誓言:

    We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to share what they included in their wedding vows . Here are some of the most inspiring submissions :

  5. 爱情不是轰轰烈烈的誓词,而是平平淡淡的陪伴。

    Love is not the strong vow but the simple accompany .

  6. 你想把这句金言当成我们的结婚誓词吗?

    You want to save that gold for our wedding vows ?

  7. 你是否有在1934年的文职人员誓词中发誓?

    Did you ever swear to the civil servant loyalty oath of1934 ?

  8. 商学院的誓词含糊不清,相当于什么都没说。

    The business school oath is so vague as to amount to nothing .

  9. 问:举出一项在宣读效忠誓词时提出的保证。

    Name one promise you make when you say the Oath of Allegiance .

  10. 同胞们,规定总统誓词的宪法属于你们;

    The Constitution which prescribes his oath , my countrymen , is yours ;

  11. 他们的诗句可以为我的誓词带来灵感。

    And their words will inspire my vows .

  12. 这些是公民的誓词,代表着我们最伟大的希望。

    They are the words of citizens , and they represent our greatest hope .

  13. 就是几句简单的誓词。

    It 's just a few simple vows .

  14. 互诉结婚誓词的那幕。

    The part where we exchanged marriage vows .

  15. 创建有意义的誓词并尽可能地每日提醒重复。

    Create affirmations that are meaningful to you and repeat them as often as possible .

  16. 既然我必须对我即将作的庄严誓词负责,

    and under the obligation of that solemn oath which I am about to take .

  17. 你必须相信,你的潜意识会使你的誓词成真的更快。

    You must trust that your unconscious mind will make your affirmations come true even faster .

  18. 听着,如果你更改一下结婚誓词,我就给你100美元。

    Look , I 'll give you $ 100 if you 'll change the wedding vows .

  19. 美国上学的孩子在背诵效忠誓词的时候将他们的手放在心脏的位置。

    American schoolchildren put their hands on their hearts as they recite the Pledge of Allegiance .

  20. 那是你的结婚誓词吗?

    Are those your wedding vows ?

  21. 牢牢记住你们的誓词!

    Keep in mind your oath !

  22. 政府的誓词证明了立法机关在这个问题上的看法-约翰。马歇尔。

    The oath of office is * Demonstrative of the legislative opinion on on this subject-john marshall .

  23. 当扎尔达里签署总统誓词时,人群中暴发出一阵欢呼声,人们高声赞美已故的布托女士。

    As he signed the presidential oath , the crowd erupted with cheers praising his deceased wife .

  24. 战斗誓词鲜明有力,士气就会旺盛,就能消灭一切敌人。

    When the oath is clear , morale will be high and you can extinguish the enemy .

  25. 上周日,罗伯茨看着卡片小心翼翼地领诵誓词,结果没有出错。

    On Sunday , Roberts read the oath carefully from a card and there were no mistakes .

  26. 毕竟违背竞选誓词的政客,他不是第一个,也不会是最后一个。

    He would not be the first politician , nor the last , to break his election promises .

  27. 接着,丹领着我们重复了我们的洗礼誓词,然后给汤姆进行天主教传统的洗礼。

    Next , Dan led us in renewing our baptismal vows and baptized Tom in the Catholic tradition .

  28. 但是今天的漫画其实并不是关于效忠誓词的措词如何或者是否得当。

    But today 's cartoon is not really about the wording or propriety of the Pledge of Allegiance .

  29. 最初的誓词不包括上帝保佑美国,这一句是国会于1954年加上去的。

    Originally the pledge did not include the words " under God "; Congress added the phrase in 1954 .

  30. 休斯法官在宣读简短的就职誓词时,眼睛由于哭泣而发红。

    As Judge Hughes read the brief oath of office , her eyes , too , were red from weeping .