
  • 网络life in shanghai
  1. 因为苏州的闲适写意,对繁忙的上海生活是非常有益的缓冲。

    It is his family who often ask to visit him in Suzhou , where the slower and casual lifestyle is considered able to cushion their hectic life in Shanghai .

  2. 本文从议题内容、报道形式、报道的倾向性、地域特征等几个方面建构类目,具体分析《新闻坊》所描绘的上海生活图像特征。

    The writer depicted images of life in Shanghai from subject content , coverage forms , reports tendency , geographical features of the few building categories , specific analysis of the News Corner .

  3. 中国描述现代上海生活的电影《小时代》6月底上映当天就登上新闻头条,击败好莱坞大片《超人:钢铁之躯》跃居国内票房榜首,并打破中文2D电影上映首日的票房纪录。

    Tiny Times , a Chinese feature film set in contemporary Shanghai , made headline news on its opening day in late June by knocking the Hollywood blockbuster Man of Steel from its perch atop the domestic box-office and breaking the opening-day record for a Chinese-language 2D release .

  4. 建立上海生活垃圾分类收集系统的探讨

    Approach on Classified Collection System of Domestic Garbage in Shanghai

  5. 上海生活垃圾管理中社区参与机制的调研

    Investigation on Community Participation Mechanism in Domestic Waste Management of Shanghai City

  6. 马语琴在上海生活了八年。

    Ms. Hvistendahl has lived in Shanghai for eight years .

  7. 上海生活垃圾资源化产业的发展探讨

    Approach on Development of Domestic Waste Resources Recovery Industry

  8. 在上海生活感觉像是在中国生活——只是没那么像。

    Living in Shanghai is like living in China - only less so .

  9. 上海生活垃圾产生量、组成特性及处置对策研究

    Research on Output , Composition and Disposal Countermeasures of Municipal Domestic Waste in Shanghai City

  10. 电视社会新闻中的上海生活图像

    Shanghai TV News Community Life Images

  11. 对于剧中女主人公来说,在上海生活只是意味着高昂的生活成本和巨大的压力,没有半点兴奋,也无从享受五光十色的夜生活。

    For the heroine , living in Shanghai just means high living expenses and stress rather than excitement and a glitzy nightlife .

  12. 起初,我把离别看成是很可怕的事,似乎我的上海生活正一步步地被怪兽吞噬。

    At first , I saw this as a terrible thing , my Shanghai life was inching slowly towards a beast 's mouth .

  13. 尽管他的工作需要他经常出差去北京,他说他还是更愿意在上海生活。

    Although his job requires him to go to Beijing fairly regularly , he says he prefers Shanghai as a city to live in .

  14. 作为在上海生活的加拿大人,回家之前,我很高兴能够看见一些圣诞气氛。

    As a Canadian living in Shanghai , it was nice to see some of the sentiment though before I went home for the holidays .

  15. 我在上海生活了六年多,在抽水马桶这件事上,中国经历了一场经济、社会、文化和技术的变革。

    In my six-plus years in Shanghai , China has undergone an economic , social , cultural and technological transformation , in the water closet .

  16. 对影响上海生活垃圾产生量的7个因素进行了分析,利用多元线性回归模型预测了上海生活垃圾产生量。

    In addition , seven factors affecting waste generation were analysed and the multivariate regression linear model was applied to predict domestic waste output in Shanghai .

  17. 一个有意思的现象从侧面也在说明一些问题,许多在北京居住的艺术家曾经也在上海生活与工作过,但最终还是选择了北京。

    These statistics support an interesting phenomenon related to artists'mobility , that many artists formerly based in Shanghai have chosen to take up residence in Beijing .

  18. 回顾过去的15个月,一种在上海生活的人都会有的感觉再次涌上心头:激动人心、节奏飞快。

    When I look back on the past 15 months , I am reminded of the feeling one has when living in Shanghai : great excitement at a frantic pace .

  19. 新华社昨天发布的调查结果表明,如果一个人想体面地在上海生活,中国所有城市中排名第一,工资至少要达到9250元的。

    The survey , released by Xinhua news agency yesterday , showed that a person 's salary should reach at least 9,250 yuan if one wants a decent life in Shanghai , ranking first among all Chinese cities .

  20. 斯图尔特•邓恩是一个在上海生活了四年的英国人,他认为上海是一个极具吸引力的城市,与西方的大城市相比,犯罪率很低,生活成本也较为合理。

    Stuart Dunn , a Briton who has lived in Shanghai for four years , said it is an attractive place , with a very low crime rate and reasonable cost of living compared with major cities in the West .

  21. 在我写这本书的时候,我曾经对中国刑事司法系统如何运行有过种种猜想,当时我和很多在上海生活的人一样,认为警察可能抓错了人。

    I went into it with assumptions about how China 's criminal justice system worked , thinking like many people who were in Shanghai at the time , that the police had just found and arrested someone who was not the murderer .

  22. 上海生活节奏快,较强的工作压力和苛求的岳母,对女儿未来的丈夫有非常高的收入预期,迫使这些单身男人结婚年龄增大,该网站的专家说。

    Shanghai 's fast living pace , strong work pressure and demanding mothers-in-law , who have extremely high income expectations for potential husbands for their daughters , have forced these single men to marry at older ages , experts with the website said .

  23. (我主要在上海工作生活。)

    B : I 'm based in Shanghai .

  24. 以上海市生活垃圾组成为依据,通过填埋模拟柱实验研究了不同渗滤液循环方式对新鲜垃圾填埋层填埋气体(LFG)产生的影响。

    Based on the typical MSW composition in Shanghai , lab-scale simulated landfill columns were used to study the effects of different leachate recirculation operations on landfill gas ( LFG ) production .

  25. 上海郊区生活垃圾减量回收对策研究

    Strategy Study of Reduction Recovery of Domestic Rafuse in Shanghai Suburb

  26. 《上海俄文生活报》与布尔什维克早期在华活动

    Early Bolshevik Activity in China : the Russian Journal Shanghai Life

  27. 上海市生活垃圾产业发展的思考

    A study on the development of domestic waste industry in Shanghai

  28. 我们的生活,上海文定生活创意中心,上海。

    Our Life , Wen Ding life Creation Centre , Shanghai .

  29. 上海市生活垃圾综合处理体系的构建

    Construction of Domestic Waste Integrated Treatment System in Shanghai City

  30. 上海城市生活垃圾循环利用分析研究

    Analysis of recycling utilization of municipal solid wastes in Shanghai