
  1. 路易斯有没有采取破釜沉舟行动的勇气呢?

    Had Louis the will to order bold measure ?

  2. 很多人知道他们想要的,他们只是失去了做出艰难行动的勇气。

    For many who know what they want , they 've lost the courage to take hard action .

  3. 这一次,我们通过联合国获得了采取行动的勇气和集体意志。

    This time , we , through the United Nations , found the courage and the collective will to act .

  4. 不管别人说什么,有按自己的价值观行动的勇气,不会因为别人不喜欢而试图改变自己的想法。

    The courage to act on your values in the face of what everyone 's going to say and do to try to make you change your mind . Because they 're not going to like it .