
  • 网络Network attack events;Network Attacks Incidents
  1. 赛门铁克(symantec)分析师保罗伍德(paulwood)表示,本月发生的有针对性的网络攻击事件旨在获取敏感信息、发送数量较少的恶意电子邮件中,28%发生在中国。

    This month , 28 per cent of all targeted attacks malicious e-mails sent in small volumes aimed at gaining access to sensitive data originated in China , says Paul wood , an analyst at Symantec .

  2. 随着互联网技术的飞速发展,网络攻击事件例如木马、恶意代码、蠕虫、DDOS攻击等规模越来越大,方式越来越多,造成的损失也越来越严重。

    With the rapid development of Internet technology , the scale of network attacks such as trojan , malicious codes , worm , DDOS attack become much larger and the methods are more various , the losses are more serious as well .

  3. 基于树型结构的多层网络攻击事件分类方法

    Network Multilayer Attack Taxonomy on Tree Structure Events

  4. 实验表明某一类型的网络攻击事件在相对集中的时间内相对活跃,此外都相对沉寂。

    Many experiments indicate that network attack event will be active in relatively concentrated time .

  5. 2014年将因屡屡登上头条新闻的网络攻击事件而被人们长期铭记。

    Last year will long be remembered as the year when cyber attacks became front page news .

  6. 网络攻击事件的不断增加促进了入侵检测系统与入侵响应系统的发展。

    The increase in number of attacks against networks led to the development of Intrusion Detection Systems and Intrusion Response Systems .

  7. 在2014年12月的假日季,德国政府报道了一起导致钢铁厂严重损毁的网络攻击事件。

    During the 2014 December holiday season , the German government reported a cyber attack that caused massive damage to an iron plant .

  8. 随着网络攻击事件越来越多,特别是新的漏洞及其攻击方法的不断出现,网络安全受到严重的威胁。

    As assault being more and more , especially new security holes and their attacks constantly issued , network security receives the serious threat .

  9. 每年运营商因网络攻击事件而导致的网络设备、硬件等瘫痪的事件数不胜数,造成的经济损失也是不言而喻。

    Operators each year caused by network attacks , network equipment , hardware and numerous incidents of paralysis , resulting in economic loss is self-evident .

  10. 在2014年12月的假日季,德国政府报道了一起导致钢铁厂“严重损毁”的网络攻击事件。

    During the 2014 December holiday season , the German government reported a cyber attack that caused " massive damage " to an iron plant .

  11. 面对大量网络攻击事件,自动入侵响应系统能够及时采取响应措施阻止攻击的延续并减小系统损失。

    With a large amount of network attacks , the automated intrusion response system can take timely countermeasures to stop attacks and reduce the loss of system .

  12. 2014年将因屡屡登上头条新闻的网络攻击事件而被人们长期铭记。无论是上市公司、政府机构还是非营利组织,没有哪类机构能够幸免于难。

    Last year will long be remembered as the year when cyber attacks became front page news . No institution was spared & public companies , government agencies or non-profits .

  13. 今年已经发生了多起此类网络攻击事件,攻击者利用了网络广告销售的复杂结构,以及为数众多的广告中间商和分销商。

    A number of such attacks have occurred this year , as perpetrators exploit the complex structure of business relationships in the online advertising , with its numerous middlemen and resellers .

  14. 随着网络攻击事件的日益增多,开发面向当前网络环境,能够准确、实时追踪入侵者的系统是十分迫切的任务。

    With the increase network attack events , it becomes a very urgent task to introduce such a real time system , which can trace the attackers accurately , into current network environment .

  15. 白宫目前将索尼影业遭受的网络攻击事件当作‘严重的国家安全问题’处理。

    The White House is treating a cyber attack on Sony Pictures as a serious national security matter , but there has been no direct condemnation of North Korea for its alleged role in the hacking incident .

  16. 在每年数十万的网络攻击事件中,大约50%与缓冲区溢出漏洞有关,每年给计算机用户造成的经济损失超过100亿美元。

    Every year , hundreds of thousands of network attacks happen , about fifty percent of which are related to buffer overflow vulnerabilities . And the economic waste caused by this kind of attacks is more than 10 billion dollars .

  17. 在生存性研究中必须同时考虑网络攻击事件和应急修复过程对信息系统的生存性的影响,并分别给出了相应的系统状态转移矩阵的计算方法。

    Second , network attack incident and restore procedure must simultaneously be taken into consideration because the two kinds of actions mentioned effect the survivability . Third , the method used to calculate system state transition matrix is proposed in the research .

  18. 在比较了多个学校的网络攻击事件后,发现现在校园网络攻击的自动化程度和攻击速度不断提高,利用安全漏洞的速度越来越快和防火墙被攻击者渗透的情况越来越多。

    In comparing a number of schools of network attacks , was found that the degree of automation campus network attacks and attack speed continues to increase the use of security vulnerabilities at an increasing rate , and the firewall has been the attacker infiltrated the situation more and more .

  19. 就像索尼旗下的其他公司那样,2014年底索尼影视娱乐(SonyPicturesEntertainment)遭网络攻击的事件也让索尼/ATV受到了震动。

    Sony / ATV , like other parts of Sony , was rocked by the cyber attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment at the end of 2014 .

  20. 抗毁性I(s)反映了复杂网络对攻击事件的承受能力。

    I ( s ) reflects the tolerance of complex networks under attacks .

  21. 而网络攻击的事件也越来越多,信息安全问题愈见突出。

    And network attacks are getting more and more , the issues of information security are becoming more prominent .

  22. 网络攻击和入侵事件的不断发生,给人们造成了巨大的损失,网络安全问题越来越成为社会关注的热点。

    As network attacks and intrusions are constantly emerging and have caused great loss , network security problem has increasingly become a hotspot of social attention .

  23. 网络安全攻击模型与事件关联技术的研究与实现

    The Research and Implementation of Attack Model and Event Correlation Technology in Network Security

  24. 随着网络技术和应用的发展,网络攻击和破坏的事件也层出不穷。

    Along with development of network technology and applications , network attacks and sabotage events are always popping up .

  25. 根据2008年初国家计算机网络应急技术处理协调中心的统计报告,在目前所有造成严重危害的网络攻击事件中,网页篡改占到总数量的74%。

    According to the Report of National Computer Network Emergency Technical Response Center early in 2008 , among those severe internet-attacking incidents , hacking and amending the contents of websites occupy 74 % .

  26. 网络在给人们带来极大方便的同时,也为网络黑客们提供了诸多的机会,各种网络攻击事件不断发生。

    Internet brings a great of convenience to people , and at the same time , hackers get more and more opportunity . As a result , network attacks occur continually .