
  1. 我们集中权精力电视似乎忘了所有的一切。

    We seemingly forget everything else while we are entirely focussed .

  2. 她甜美的嗓音使我忘了所有的烦恼。

    Her beautiful voice makes me forget all about my trouble .

  3. 我总是盯住那个球而忘了所有其他的事情。

    I always keep my eyes on the ball and forget everything else .

  4. 不要忘了所有的风雨都会过去

    Never forget that all storms will clear .

  5. 但是当早晨的凉风拂过脸庞时,我忘了所有的担忧。

    But when the chilly morning air hits me , I let my worry go .

  6. 我立刻被这条信息吸引了,忘了所有有关鞋的事情。

    I am instantly drunk on this delicious information , and I forget all about shoes .

  7. 我要忘了所有的失望,所有的诅咒,所有的坏情绪。

    I 'll forget all the disappointments , all the curses , and all the bad feelings .

  8. 我们到这里是忘了所有的烂事我们是来狂欢的

    We 're here to forget about all that shit . We 're here to party , man .

  9. 还有人说,爱是快乐,只要两个人在一起就能够忘了所有的烦恼;

    Also some people said that the love is joyful , so long as two people in could forget all worries together ;

  10. 如果你有伴侣,这个月你会有机会忘了所有日常要担心的事情,专心与伴侣享受爱情。

    If you are attached , this month will give you a chance to forget any day-to-day cares to focus on the love you share together .

  11. 你是否已忘了所有我知道的与我们共享的?当你看到我为你的爱而默哀时挽起我的手难道你那时还爱我吗?

    Have you forgotten all I know and all we had ? You saw me mourning my love for you and touched my hand I knew you loved me then ?

  12. 别忘了将所有的命令以“opera”开头。

    Remember to start all commands with " opera " .

  13. 退出前别忘了保存所有的设置。

    Don 't forget to save all the settings before escaping .

  14. 忘了她的所有礼物吗。

    Oh , and forgot all of her presents .

  15. 第一夫人:我们别忘了向所有这些为这个国家付出这么多的人们致敬。

    THE FIRST LADY : Let 's also take time to pay tribute to those who have given our country so much .

  16. 您可能会忘了跟踪所有指针(指向这些内存位置),并且某些内存段没有释放,还保持分配给该程序。

    You might forget to keep track of all the pointers ( pointing to these memory locations ), and some of the memory segments are not freed and stay allocated to the program .

  17. 别忘了将你所有的海报都带走。

    Don 't forget to take away all your posters .

  18. 警察想帮他,但他忘了抢劫的所有细节。

    The police want to help him , but he forgot all the details of the robbery .

  19. 你出去之前,别忘了关上所有的窗并锁上后门。

    Don 't forget to shut all the windows and lock the back door before you go out .

  20. 离开家之前别忘了关上所有的窗,不然家里将覆盖上一层沙。

    And don 't forget to shut all the windows in your home before you leave , or all your home might be blanketed in sand .

  21. 她把商店和木材厂全忘了,把所有的时间都花在工地上,一会儿跟木匠争吵,一会儿和石匠顶嘴,催促承包人尽快完工。

    Forgetful of the store and the mills , she spent her time on the lot , arguing with carpenters , bickering with masons , harrying the contractor .

  22. 别忘了,你所有的结果与行动都来自内心的构思,因此就照你所期望的方式,好好计划你的每一天吧!

    Remember all results , actions , and realities we experience start from creations in our minds , so create your day the way you desire it most .

  23. 在选择,注册你自己的域名之后,可别忘了在你所有的网页和通讯,例如电子邮件和传统邮件中使用域名啊。

    After you have chosen-and registered-your own domain name , make sure you use it on all your web pages and on all your correspondence , like email and traditional mail .

  24. 永远别忘了,最终,所有的感情都和感觉有关。

    Never forget that , in the end , all relationships are about feelings .

  25. 别忘了保留你的所有收据,你要用它们报销。

    Don 't forget to keep all your receipts . You 'll need them for reimbursement .

  26. 事实上,他们已经忘了这连队里所有其他的人。

    As a matter of fact , they 've forgotten about every other plebe in this whole company .

  27. 忘了他吧,忘了所有这一切。

    Forget about him , forget about that whole night .

  28. 只是喝喝酒,忘了时间也忘了我所有的烦恼。

    I can just drink , lose track of time and forget about all of my troubles .