
  • 网络Perfectionism;perfectionist;Summum Bonum
  1. 这就赋予人和至善论以重大的价值。

    This gives people a perfectionist with great value .

  2. 再论康德至善论的逻辑进程

    A Further Discussion on the Logical Process of Kant ' the Highest Good Theory

  3. 没有至善论,没有未果的追求,没有无知的假定,仅仅是把可怜的、致命的人类本性视为生命。我们该怎样组织我们的生命,以使我们能携带着崇高平静地工作、幸福地生活?

    No perfectionism , no straining after the unattainable , no postulating of the unknowable , but taking poor , mortal human nature as it is , how shall we organize our life so that we can work peacefully , endure nobly2 and live happily ?

  4. 阿奎那用哲学的至善观、幸福论、法的思想和价值观全面深入剖析了天国与世俗两对范畴的关联。

    Aquinas used the concept of philosophy & the perfection , the happiness , the law , the values to comprehensively and deeply analyse the relation of the two categories between " empyrean heaven " and " temporal " .