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zhì qīn
  • Close relatives;close kin;very close relative
至亲 [zhì qīn]
  • [very close relative] 最亲近的亲戚

  • 满城无至亲。--卢纶《送李方东归》

至亲[zhì qīn]
  1. 中国人最讲至亲至情,受“礼仪之邦”的影响至深。

    Chinese most tell very close relative to affection , the effect that suffers the state " with formal " comes deep .

  2. 如果他没有立下遗嘱就去世了,他的至亲将成为其继承人。

    If he dies without making a will , his closest relative will inherit .

  3. 如果死敌或至亲都无法对你造成伤害,

    If neither foes4 nor loving friends can hurt you ,

  4. “情境性失眠”指的是生活中的短期因素导致的暂时性的失眠症,比如旅行途中(换了床睡觉),或者生活环境发生了改变(失去工作、离婚、至亲去世等等)。

    Situational insomnia1 refers to a temporary form of insomnia that occurs as a result of short-term factors present in a person 's life , ranging from travel ( sleeping in a strange bed ) to changed life circumstances ( e.g. , job loss , divorce , death of a loved one , etc. ) .

  5. 看看《透明家庭》(Transparent)、《至亲血统》(Bloodline)、《狼厅》(WolfHall)、《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey)这些电视剧吧。我特别迷恋的一部剧就是《国土安全》(Homeland)。

    Look at series like " Transparent , " " Bloodline , " " Wolf Hall " and " Downton Abbey . " A wonderful series I 'm hooked on , " Homeland . "

  6. 但这也有可能意味着沉闷、散乱的叙事,只依靠“吸力”,凭着吸力的成本,才吸引观众继续观看下去,比如《至亲血统》(Bloodline),我弃剧的时候,剧情就像佛罗里达洋流上的垃圾一样漂浮不定

    But it can also mean lethargic , shapeless narratives that rely on The Suck to keep viewers watching sheerly on the sunk-costs principle , like " Bloodline , " which drifted like flotsam in a Florida current until I gave up on it .

  7. 假以时日,丧失至亲的哀伤会消散。

    With time , the grief of bereavement will blow over .

  8. 但每个阵亡的都是至亲与挚友

    but each felled is a friend , or dearest blood .

  9. 他告诉我说姑母是他唯一的至亲。

    He told me that his aunt was his only immediate relative .

  10. 塔克洛班市市长称他谈话的每个人都有至亲之人逝去。

    Tacloban 's mayor said everyone he talked to had lost someone .

  11. 它们的至亲是温静、动作不太快的牛。

    Their closest relatives are the quiet and not-very-swift cattle .

  12. 要是哀悼者反复回忆他至亲是怎么死的。

    If the mourner repeatedly talks about how his loved one died .

  13. 至爱至亲的阿格尼斯,我的义姐!

    Dear , sweet Agnes , my adopted sister !

  14. 痛失至亲的人需要来自亲朋好友的支持。

    Those who suffer a loss require support from friends and loved ones .

  15. 我姑母是我惟一的至亲。

    My aunt is my only immediate relative .

  16. 昨天他唯一的至亲也去世了,把它孤零零的一人留在世上。

    His only immediate relative died yesterday and left him alone in the world .

  17. 我是他唯一的至亲了。

    I 'm his oniy fiesh and biood .

  18. 被动吸烟首先危害你至亲的人。

    Passive smoke kills your dearest ones first .

  19. 在那里我们拥有的一切我们的至亲至爱都将被夺走

    where everything we hold dear , everything we love will be ripped from us ,

  20. 如系女婿、姑舅等至亲,送上的礼物则是猪羊。

    The tradi-tional gifts for sons-in.law , uncles , and nephews are pigs or sheep .

  21. 我们唯一能做的是保护自己的至亲至爱。

    Best we can hope to do while we 're here is protect those closest to us .

  22. 我们为灾难中失去至亲和家园的人感到难过。

    We feel pain for the people who have lost their families and homes in the disaster .

  23. 虽然有失去至亲的悲痛,生还者仍决心勇敢支撑下去。

    Despite the tragic loss of their dear ones , the survivors are determined to bear up bravely .

  24. 说出内心深处的话,告诉至亲们他们对你的重要性。

    Speak from your heart and tell your closest of kin how much they really mean to you .

  25. 一些因为倒车事故失去至亲之人的家庭表示这项法律姗姗来迟。

    Some families who 've lost loved ones in backover accidents , say the law is long overdue .

  26. 正如一位至亲的亲人远离我们,那会唤起我们更多的思念和关爱,而不是遗忘。

    As a close relative being far away , it raises more longing for and care , not lethe .

  27. 人们经常在家里庆祝,在祭坛上放上至亲之人的照片和特殊物品。

    People often celebrate in their homes , making altars with pictures and special objects from their loved ones .

  28. 我们是至亲朋友,应该和和睦睦,想到我们能这样,我的心头就乐了。

    It 's a pleasure for me to think that now we 'll agree as such near friends should .

  29. 我们舍弃诚实换取别人的陪伴,其间从未真正了解至亲挚爱之人的内心。

    We trade honesty for companionship , and in the process , never truly know the hearts closest to us .

  30. 在尚克斯维尔,当地居民和那些在这里失去了自己至亲的家庭结下了友谊。

    Shanksville is the scene of friendships forged between residents of that town , and families who lost loved ones there .