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  1. 他仔细瞄准后才把箭射出去。

    He aimed carefully before he let the arrow fly .

  2. 箭射在防护罩上,擦了过去。

    The arrows struck the protective covering and glanced off .

  3. 丘比特不会把第二支箭射到同一颗心上。

    Cupid spends no second arrow on the same heart .

  4. 你能用箭射某人头上的苹果?

    You could pick an apple off someone 's head ?

  5. 你想想看,有一次他居然把一支箭射进老祖母的心里去啦

    Only think , he shot an arrow once at your old grandmother !

  6. 他被一支箭射伤了。

    He is shot the injury by a rocket .

  7. 要是这支箭射不准怎么办?

    What if the arrow should not carry true ?

  8. 你想用箭射动物?

    You wanna shoot animals with arrows ? Yeah .

  9. 传说威廉?泰尔用箭射死了暴君。

    The story goes that William Tell killed the tyrant with an arrow .

  10. 当他们胸贴胸站在一起时,一支箭射穿了他们俩。

    As they stood breast to breast , one arrow pierced them both .

  11. “Khakhua”人被屠宰和吃掉之前都疑似被箭射伤。

    Suspected khakhua are usually shot with arrows before being butchered and eaten .

  12. 他刚才用箭射死了亚当·亨特

    He just put an arrow in Adam Hunt .

  13. 过时他就把一支箭射进他们的心里去。

    and then , unperceived , he thrusts an arrow to their bosom .

  14. 我的薪酬里可不包括要被箭射死

    I don 't get paid enough to have arrows shot at me .

  15. 妒箭射他人,伤的是自己。

    Envy shoots at others and wounds herself .

  16. 他命令泰尔用他自己的一支箭射这个苹果。

    He ordered Tell to shoot at the apple with one of his arrows .

  17. 他命令她用一支箭射苹果。

    He ordered her to shoot at the apple with one of her arrows .

  18. 但神要射他们。他们忽然被箭射伤。

    But God sends out an arrow against them ; suddenly they are wounded .

  19. 箭射进了他的头。

    The arrow entered into his head .

  20. 这是我的第一箭射,也是第一个女子用弓箭获取大象。

    This was my first bow kill and first woman to take anele with a bow .

  21. 是不是今天有人决定不想被你用箭射了?

    Did someone decide that they didn 't want you putting an arrow in them today ?

  22. 几支箭射下一只天鹅煮来吃。

    And a couple of arrows , I might shoot down one swan to cook and eat .

  23. 丘比特的箭射得真准。

    Cupid shoots so trim .

  24. 他要吞吃敌国,折断他们的骨头,用箭射透他们。

    They devour hostile nations and break their bones in pieces ; with their arrows they pierce them .

  25. 两树之间一人正用箭射下高树上的一只鸟。

    Between the two trees , a man shoots an arrow at a bird on the tall tree .

  26. 亚瑟和凯学会了使剑和用箭射中标的。

    Arthur and Kay learned to use the sword and to shoot an arrow straight to its mark .

  27. 不可用手摸他,必用石头打死,或用箭射透;

    He shall surely be stoned or shot with arrows ; not a hand is to be laid on him .

  28. 他慢慢地端起弓,绷紧弦,仔细瞄准以后,把箭射出去了。

    Slowly he raised the bow , pulled back the cord , and after taking careful aim , let the arrow fly .

  29. 楚国旧势力强大,楚悼王刚死,吴起就被乱箭射死,其改革几乎都被废除。

    As the conservative forces of Chu were poweful , when Chu King Dao died , Wu Qi was killed with arrows , and his reforms were nearly abolished .

  30. 1.而且你不太会没事儿去拿箭射宇航员,至少一个有学士学位的人不会这么干。

    or really ruin someone 's day . 1 Also , you don 't usually shoot astronauts with a bow and arrow - at least not for an undergraduate degree .