
  1. 基于RFID与人脸识别技术的智能门禁系统研究与设计

    Research and Design of the Entrance Guard System Based on RFID and Face Recognition

  2. SIC卡是一种新型的特征信息载体,文章讨论SIC卡用于智能门禁系统的映象机制。

    Smart Image Card ( SIC ) is a new kind of feature information carrier . This paper discusses the mapping mecha-nism in which SIC card is used in the intelligent entrance guard system .

  3. 双重认证智能门禁系统的研究与设计

    Development and Design of the Entrance Guard System based on Dual Authentication

  4. 嵌入式多重识别智能门禁系统的设计

    The Design of The Embedded Intelligent Safeguard Multi-Identification System

  5. 应用智能门禁系统提高图书馆的管理效能

    To apply intelligent gateway control system to raise the efficiency of library management

  6. 基于无线传输技术的住宅小区智能门禁系统设计

    Design of Intelligent Entrance Guard System of Residential District Based on Wireless Communication

  7. 智能门禁系统门控部分硬件设计

    Door-control hardware design in intelligent door monitoring control system

  8. 基于以太网的分布式智能门禁系统

    Distributed and intelligent access control system based on ethernet

  9. 智能门禁系统的设计

    A Design of Intelligent Access Control System

  10. 本文介绍了智能门禁系统的发展历史,和它的组成结构及功能。

    This poper introduced the history of the intelligent gateway control system and the constitution and function .

  11. 本光电智能门禁系统由个人信息存储与发送装置及光电信息处理与控制装置二部分组成。

    Photoelectric intelligence door-keeper system comprises private information storage , sending device and photoelectric information handling controlling device .

  12. 最后对本项目进行了工作总结,分析了非接触式IC卡技术和智能门禁系统的未来发展前景。

    Finally the paper summarizes the research course , and advances the prospect of contactless IC card and intelligent entrance guard system .

  13. 接着阐述了系统的设计目标和预期实现的主要功能,以及本智能门禁系统的组成结构,并分析了本系统的安全机制。

    This paper elaborated the design goal and the main function would be realized in the system , and presented the structure and security mechanism of entrance guard system .

  14. 基于单片机的遥控自动送药小车及门禁系统基于无线传输技术的住宅小区智能门禁系统设计

    Design of automatic remote control car for charge transport and access control system on single chip Design of Intelligent Entrance Guard System of Residential District Based on Wireless Communication

  15. 针对目前基站门管理存在的安全隐患,在实际使用中效率低下、管理不便的缺点,提出应用智能门禁系统。

    In accordance with the hidden trouble in the management of mobile station entrance , and the shortcoming of low efficiency and inconvenient management in the application of the entrance , the intelligent entrance guard system is put forward .

  16. 智能门禁系统联网接入让监控维护人员及时掌握和维护门禁信息,并能在电子地图中发现门禁报警的位置,做到快速发现、准确定位。

    Intelligent access control system network access make maintenance personnel to monitor and maintain the access control information to grasp , found in the electronic map of the location of access control alarm , so quickly found , and accurate positioning .

  17. 阐述了利用Internet进行信息通信的智能门禁监控系统的硬件结构和软件的功能、特点,同时叙述了远程程序更新功能及自启动功能、拨号用户的实现以及数据库功能。

    The hardware structure and software function and property of intelligent door monitoring control system with Internet as transmission medium is expounded . The renewed and self started functions of long distance program , database function , and realization of dialing users are introduced .

  18. 设计了基于无线传输的智能小区门禁系统,介绍了系统的读卡模块、无线数据传输模块、液晶显示模块、随机密码键盘模块。

    An intelligent district access control system based on wireless transmission is designed .

  19. 分布式智能门禁监控系统的研制

    Development of distributed intelligent door monitoring system

  20. 阐述了智能化门禁系统的结构设计、功能特性,并给出了系统的功能设计及部分应用。

    This paper introduces design of structure and property of function , gives design of function .

  21. 本文提出了一种应用多重识别技术的智能安全门禁系统方案的设计。

    This paper put forward a kind of design project that using Micro control implement the Intelligent Safeguard System .

  22. 通过对智能门禁管理系统的组成、分类和功能等分析,说明该系统的先进性、可靠性、必要性和广泛的应用前景。

    Through analysis constitute , category and function of the intelligent door access system , the article illustrate the advanced , reliability , necessarily and the prospect being widely used of the system .

  23. 将交通系统中的车辆监测器、红黄绿信号灯和智能门禁安全系统中的红外对射探测器引入地磅系统,另加入语音提示功能,使系统实现智能化和人性化。

    The vehicle sensor , the red and yellow green signal light of traffic facility device , and infrared sensor of correlation in the entrance guard security system led into the system , and the system had the certain intelligence and humanization .

  24. 在本课题智能化门禁系统中,由于采用了CAN现场总线技术,较好地解决了在低成本传输介质(双绞线)条件下传输距离、节点数量和传输时间之间的矛盾,达到了预期的目标。

    Hi this subject on intelligent gate system , the contradiction among transmission distance , quantity of node and transmission time under the condition of low-cost transmission media will be solved , so that the anticipative target will be achieved , thanks to the CAN technology .

  25. 论文主要研究的内容是如何利用网络信息技术手段,构建一套基于服务、管理为一体的智能化门禁系统,为高等院校图书馆的知识服务、信息服务、管理服务提供技术保障。

    The main research concept of the thesis is how to utilize the network information technology constructing a set of service and management based on an intelligent access system . The system will provide technical guarantee of knowledge service , information service and management services for universities libraries .

  26. 论文主要研究了基于感应式射频卡技术的智能门禁监控系统软件的设计思想与实现方法,同时对整个系统的组成及硬件实现也作了详细地介绍。

    In this thesis , the design ideas and the realized methods of intelligent door access monitoring system based on the RFID ( Radio Frequency Identity Card ) are mainly researched , at the same time , it also introduce the construction and application of the hardware system .

  27. 智能化门禁管理系统在图书馆的应用

    The Application of Intellectual Electro-controlled Door Management System in Library

  28. 专业从事智能门锁、门禁系统及相关软件的研发、生产和销售。

    It is specialize in intelligent locks , Access Control Systems development and sale .

  29. 智能化大厦门禁系统的设计

    Entrance guard system design in intelligent buildings

  30. 其次,以某栋大楼为例分析了国内的智能楼宇与门禁系统的使用现状。

    Secondly , building a case analysis of the domestic buildings of intelligent buildings and the use of access control system status .