
  1. 当然,我并不是说中国的民主制度十全十美。

    However , I am not saying that China has the perfect democratic system .

  2. 中国的网络审查部门没有删贴似乎表明,要么是中国饱受诟病的民主气氛比外界所想象的更为活跃,要么是政府尚未决定如何回应。

    The lack of action by internet censors suggests either that China 's much maligned democracy is more vibrant than it is often given credit for , or the government has yet to decide how to respond .

  3. 同时中国公众也有个好机会去了解奥运会和发扬奥林匹克“公平竞争”的精神,和中国的平等,民主,这对我们国家和人民都有好处.

    And also a very good opportunity for the Chinese public to get to know more about Olympics and to promote the Olympic spirits of fair play , or equality , or democracy in China , and will do good to the Chinese people and also to our courntry .

  4. 尽管中国的发展还不很平衡,一些农村地区仍然存在贫困的现象,但我们相信,中国走向繁荣的步伐不会停止,老百姓的日子会一年比一年好。讲到中国,就不能不提到中国的民主政治建设。

    Although the prosperity is not evenly shared and there is still poverty in the countryside , we are confident that the trend of prosperity is going to continue and the people will be better off with each passing year . I can 't talk about China without mentioning the political and democratic development .