
  1. 中国的对外援助是开放式的,坚持与时俱进、改革创新。

    China pursues an open foreign aid policy , always keeps abreast with the time , and is committed to reform and innovation .

  2. 相比之下,中国每年提供的对外援助估计有50亿美元,只占亚洲对外援助总和的30%出头。

    By contrast , China gave out an estimated $ 5 billion in annual foreign aid , and only just over 30 percent of that in Asia .

  3. 中国在非洲的投资巨大且日益增长,该报告对这一现状测算称,2009年中国近一半的对外援助流向了非洲,另有三分之一援助了亚洲。

    In a measure of China 's large and growing stake in Africa , the report said that nearly half of all foreign assistance in2009 went to African countries and a third to Asia .