
  • 网络Environmental Protection in China
  1. 中国的环境保护状况如何?

    What is the situation of environmental protection in China ?

  2. 本论文试图从我国生态文明的建设与人性的缺陷入手,使人们意识到生态意识与道德建设的必要性和迫切性,并据此提出解决的对策,以期支持中国的环境保护事业。

    This thesis is attempting to probe the present situation of ecological civilization construction of China and the deficiency of humanity , and to make people know the necessity and urgent building ecological awareness and morality , in the hope of supporting the environmental protection cause of China .

  3. 展望21世纪中国港口的环境保护事业

    Prospect of Enviromental Protection Undertaking of the Harbors in China in the 21st Century

  4. 中国的海洋环境保护

    Marine Environmental Protection in China

  5. 因此,应借鉴国外先进经验,结合我国的实际情况,构建适合中国国情的环境保护地役权制度。

    Therefore , we should learn from foreign advanced experiences , and combine with our actual situation to build suitable system in china .

  6. 近年来,非营利部门在中国的教育、环境保护、科学研究、文化卫生、扶贫和社会服务等领域都发挥着积极的作用,其地位和作用也倍受全社会的广泛关注。

    In recent years , NPI play an active role in the areas of education , environmental protection , scientific research , culture and public health , poverty alleviation , and social services , and so on .

  7. 中国与美国谁的环境保护更好

    Who 's Environment Is Better Protected , China or America

  8. 中国的环境形势及环境保护工作

    China 's Current Environmental Situations and Environmental Protection

  9. 作者认为,入世在短期内将给中国的环境状况和环境保护带来沉重的压力;

    The author holds that in the short terms , China'entry into the WTOwill be a heavy burden on environmental protection in China ;

  10. 如何走上经济与社会的可持续发展之路,除了制定与社会发展相适应的各种环境保护法外,还应该充分发掘中国传统文化中的环境保护习惯,发挥其独到的作用。

    The method that can push the economic continuable develop is not only to constitute the law , but also to dig up the traditional customs and bring them play .

  11. 中国科技部副部长刘燕华说,中国的环境保护问题比已往任何时候都更加重要。中国的某些城市是世界上污染最严重的地方。

    Chinese Vice Minister Liu Yanhua says environmental protection is more important than ever in China , which has some of the most polluted cities in the world .