
  • 网络Human Rights in China
  1. 列维公司当时的董事长兼首席执行长哈斯(RobertHaas)要求评估40个国家的人权状况,结果认定只有中国和缅甸的侵犯人权状况尤其严重,以致于只有撤出才是最有意义的。

    Robert Haas , its chairman and chief executive then , ordered a review of human rights in 40 countries , which determined that only China and Myanmar had rights violations so troublesome that pulling out made the most sense .

  2. 了解中国历史的人都知道中国目前的人权状况是历史上最好的。

    Anyone who knows about chinese history believes that the curren human rights situation in chian is the best in history .