
  • 网络diagnostic methods of traditional chinese medicine
  1. 略论中医诊法的特色优势与不足

    Outlining the Special Advantage and Deficiency on the Diagnostic Methods of TCM

  2. 引入现代诊疗技术实现中医诊法现代化

    Introducing the Modern Technology of Medical Diagnosis to Realize the Modernization of Chinese Medical Diagnosis

  3. 试析司内揣外对中医诊法的促进作用

    On the Promotion Function of " Observing the Internal to Conjecture the External Pathogenic Factors " to the Diagnostic methods of TCM

  4. 中医诊法的特色与优势是无创伤性获取病理信息、司外揣内的功能观察,整体恒动的诊察观,别具一格的诊察方法。

    Getting the pathological information without traumatism , observing function through the outside change , surveying the wide dynamic change , which is the speciality and advantage of the diagnostic method of TCM .

  5. 中外医疗事故主要法律制度比较研究试析司内揣外对中医诊法的促进作用

    The Comparative Study on Chinese and Foreign Legal System of Medical Malpractice ; On the Promotion Function of " Observing the Internal to Conjecture the External Pathogenic Factors " to the Diagnostic methods of TCM

  6. 何谓“中医四大诊法”?

    What are the four main diagnostic methods in traditional Chinese medicine ?