
  1. 扬琴不仅是中国民族乐队中主要乐器之一,而且还是中西混合乐队中的常用乐器。

    The dulcimer is not only one kind of the main musical instruments played in the Chinese folk band but also the instrument frequently used in bands of the Chinese music mixed with the western music .

  2. 文化的嫁接&中国民族管弦乐队历史成因新探

    Culture Grafting : Historical Cause Explore of Chinese National Orchestra

  3. 当今中国广播民族乐团的乐队基本构架模式已经被国内外许多民族音乐专业乐团广泛参照或采用。

    The current basic performing team framework of China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra has been referred to or adopted by many professional folk orchestras both at home and abroad .

  4. 介绍了中国民族管弦乐的特点、存在的问题,以及中国民族管弦乐队中主要民族乐器的改革情况。

    This paper introduces Chinese national orchestra 's characters , existing problems , and the reforms of main instruments in Chinese national orchestra .