
  • 网络middle page
  1. 命运之书总是打开在中间一页纸。

    and the book of fate is always open in the middle .

  2. 小心翼翼地抽出中间的几页。

    Carefully pull out the centre pages

  3. 基于字符的函数可能需要将输入数据字符串转换为一个中间的UNICODE代码页,比如UTF-16或UTF-32,然后才能对它进行处理。

    The character-based functions may need to convert the input data string to an intermediate UNICODE code page , like UTF-16 or UTF-32 , before its processing can be done .

  4. 不只是读一读标题或序言,也并非中间的某一页。

    Not just the title or the preface , or a page somewhere in the middle .