
  1. 以艺术奴隶为中心。阐述怎样在几千年的恶劣社会环境中创造了璀璨的中国戏剧文化。

    It has been expounded with art slaves as a centre how bright dramatic Chinese culture is created in adverse social circumstances for several thousand years .

  2. 傩戏誉称为中国戏剧文化的活化石,有丰富的文化内涵和多学科的学术价值,为中华传统文化之瑰宝。

    The Nuo play , known as the " living fossil of the Chinese play culture ", is a cultural treasure with rich cultural connotation and multiple academic value .

  3. 英若诚热爱戏剧文化和演出,长期致力于丰富中国戏剧文化和促进中外文化交流,并将戏剧翻译活动视为实现中这一目标的重要途径。

    He loved drama literature and performance , and committed himself to the enrichment of Chinese drama literature and the cultural exchange between China and the rest of the world . He regarded drama translation as an important way to realize his goal .

  4. 而同时,作为20世纪中国戏剧文化的一种结构性存在,话剧与戏曲从最初的历史遇合、经不断地交流碰撞而必然趋于整合。

    On the other hand , as one kind of structural existence of Chinese drama culture in 20th century , Drama and Traditional Chinese opera , through communicating and impacting ceaselessly dated back to the up-to-date historical coincidence , must go to conformity .

  5. 就表演理论来说,他关注的大多是印度和中国的戏剧文化现象,并对其进行相应的理论探讨。

    From the aspect of performance theory , what he concerns most is the cultural phenomena in India and China , which are deeply explored by him .

  6. 希望通过这种差距的寻找和追问,借助异体关照对比的方式促使中国戏剧乃至中国文化发生深刻变化。

    I hope the Chinese theatre even the Chinese culture will have profound changes .

  7. 第四章对中国戏剧市场与文化产业链、戏剧发展、戏剧危机进行深入分析;

    Part IV analyses China drama market , culture production chain , development and crisis of China drama .

  8. 中国戏剧是市民文化土壤上盛开的璀灿之花,有关戏剧的一些美学信息,隐含在汉字戏、剧的形义系统中。

    The play of China is a flower which came out on the soil of townspeople culture . There are some aesthetics information of China 's play in the system of form and meaning of Chinese character Xi and Ju .

  9. 试论中国戏剧形态对印度文化因素的兼容与吸收

    My View about How Chinese Operas Have Absorbed and Assimilated the Indian Culture