
  • 网络Ruan;trung nguyen;medium Ruan
  1. 采用免疫组织化学和图像分析技术,对39例胶质瘤中阮病毒蛋白(Prionprotein,PrP)的表达进行了定量研究。

    Prion protein ( PrP ) expression of 39 cases with glioma was studied by using immunohistochemistry staining and quantified with an image analysis .

  2. 琵琶的常用定弦为A、d、e、a。(5)演奏技法方面:中阮与琵琶演奏技法的差异主要是体现在右手的部分技法上。

    Commonly used tune a stringed instrument of the lute A , d. e , a. ( 5 ) playing techniques : Nguyen and pipa playing techniques difference is reflected in the right hand part of the technique .

  3. 《火把节之夜》这首曲目成为了中阮与琵琶的共有曲目。

    The tracks of the " Torch Festival of the Night " Nguyen and pipa Total tracks .