
  1. 中国的粮食安全问题至关重要。

    Food security is an important issue in China .

  2. 世界粮食流通的新格局与中国的粮食安全问题

    New Situation of Grain Marketing in the World and China 's Grain Security

  3. 构建中国的粮食安全保障体系

    Constructing a System to Safeguard Food Security in China

  4. 中国的粮食安全:回顾与前瞻

    Food Security in China : Review and Prospect

  5. 气候变化的影响阈值与中国的粮食安全

    A Study of the Threshold of Climate Change Impact on Food Production in China

  6. 中国的粮食安全面临巨大的挑战吗

    Is china 's grain security facing great challenge

  7. “圈地之风”给中国的粮食安全和可持续发展带来了危害。

    The wind of enclosing land has done harm to Chinese food safety and sustainable development .

  8. 从粮价波动谈中国的粮食安全及耕地保护

    Grain Food Security and Cultivated Land Protection in China From the Fluctuation of Grain Food Price

  9. 研究结论:必须充分挖掘技术进步对土地生产力贡献的潜力以保障中国的粮食安全。

    It is quite necessary to make full use of technology advancement to improve land productivity and thus guarantee food security in China .

  10. 近期(1996-2003)我国粮食产量出现了较大的波动,中国的粮食安全重新引起社会各界的广泛关注。

    The problem of food security in recent China ( 1996-2003 ) has roused wide concern because of the decrease of overall grain output .

  11. 作为一个逐渐开放的发展中大国,在未来至少有四个方面会对中国的粮食安全产生深刻的影响:一是不断增大的人口规模;

    In the 21St century , there exist at least four factors which will have great impact on Chinese food security : ( 1 ) the increasing population ;

  12. 中国的粮食安全问题也素来是中外学者关注的焦点问题之一,然而,已有的大量研究大都忽视了气候变化的因素。

    Problems in food safety in China is the focus for scholars both domestic and abroad all the time , however , most of their study has ignored the influence by climate change .

  13. 多哈发展议题的确立,虽然一定程度上考虑到中国的粮食安全需要,但影响粮食安全的潜在不利因素(包括关税削减和国内支持政策)仍然存在。

    With the establishment of the Doha development agenda , food security concerns are taken into account to some extent . But there are still potential adverse factors affecting food security , including tariff reduction and domestic support policies .

  14. 中国的粮食安全对世界的粮食安全产生举足轻重的影响,日益严峻的水资源短缺问题已成为威胁粮食安全的一个至关重要的因素。

    China 's food security plays a very important role to the food security in the world . And the increasingly severe shortage of water resources has become one of the most significant factors threatening the food security in China .

  15. 袁隆平在上世纪70年代研发出全世界第一个杂交水稻品种,过去几年间,他研发的杂交水稻产量多次创造世界纪录,为中国和全世界的粮食安全作出了巨大贡献。

    Yuan , who developed the world 's first hybrid rice in the 1970s , has set multiple world records in hybrid rice yields in previous years , making great contributions to the food security of China and the world .

  16. 农,天下之本&中国的土地问题与粮食安全

    Land Issue and Food Security in China

  17. 收购先正达让中国化工和任建新在中国的海外粮食安全战略中获得了关键角色。

    The Syngenta transaction gave ChemChina and Mr Ren a key role in the country 's overseas food security strategy .

  18. 中国人粮关系的区域差异和国家粮食安全从粮价波动谈中国的粮食安全及耕地保护

    THE REGION DIFFERENCE OF RELATION BETWEEN POPULATION AND GRAIN AND FOOD SECURITY IN CHINA Grain Food Security and Cultivated Land Protection in China From the Fluctuation of Grain Food Price

  19. “如果中国东北和西南地区能够达到华北地区的单产和水分生产力,中国的粮食安全就有保证,中国的生态环境安全也能得到保证。”该报告得出结论说。

    " If the CWP of northeast and southern China can reach that of northern China , China 's food security and ecological safety will be ensured ," concludes the report .

  20. 预期在不久的将来,中国超级稻育种研究必然以其杰出的成就,为解决新世纪中国的粮食安全做出更大的贡献。

    Its outstanding achievements of Chinese super rice breeding will make bigger contributions to solving Chinese food shortage in this century .

  21. 在分析中国粮食生产的现状基础上,指出由于煤炭开采对土地资源的破坏越来越严重,影响了中国的粮食安全。

    Based on analysis grain production of China at present , the problem is presented which land resource destruction by mining coal , and it influences safety of China grain .