
  • 网络Zhihua Temple;zhi hua Temple;Temple of Wisdom Attained
  1. 肯定了主体性在智化寺音乐今后保护工作中能够发挥的重要意义,并以主体性为中心提出了自己的保护建议。

    I propose some recommendations base on the use of subjectivity , and affirm the importance of subjectivity that can protect the Zhihua Temple Music in the future .

  2. 智化寺音乐的传承和延续得益于音乐主体的实践及其主体性的发挥。

    The Zhihua Temple Music can be heritage and continue all contribute to the practice and subjectivity of the subject .

  3. 以第二届智化寺音乐节为出发点,本文第三章首先对音乐节为主要内容对当代舞台化展演进行了描述。

    The chapter III starts with the describing of the second music festival of Zhihua Temple Music . I describe the performance today .

  4. 本文以京音乐一一智化寺音乐为研究对象,讨论了在不同场景和时代话语下,音乐表征、主体、主体性的变化过程。

    This passage research the Jing music , also called Zhihua Temple Music , discusses the changes of the representation of music , subject and subjectivity in different context .

  5. 北京智化寺京音乐与河北笙管乐种与辽、金、元、明、清各代帝都在北京建立国都有关。

    And the Zhihua Temple music of Beijing and the wind orchestra music of Hebei Province have associations with the days when Beijing was the capital of the Liao , Jin , Yuan , Ming and Qing dynasties .