
  1. 近年来,社交媒体和智能手机应用程序变得非常流行,因为青少年需要一个自己的空间。

    Social media and smart-phone apps have become so popular in recent years because teens need a place to call their own .

  2. App痴迷症指的是对智能手机应用程序(简称app)的那种热爱之情。

    Appiphilia refers to the love of applications for smart phones .

  3. 首个此类产品原本会是一个可用智能手机应用点亮的发光二极管(LED)灯泡。

    The first of these products was meant to be an LED lightbulb that could be turned on using a smartphone app .

  4. 自从2008年智能手机应用商店开始运营以来,达洛伊西奥就着手设计iPhone手机应用软件。

    D'ALOISIO BEGAN designing iPhone apps nearly the moment the app store opened in 2008 .

  5. 沃特金斯的公司CompleteCoherence已开发出有助于控制心脏混沌信号的智能手机应用和计算机软件。

    His company , Complete Coherence , has developed smartphone apps and computer software to help control the heart 's chaotic signals .

  6. 如果Watch的主要用途之一是显示智能手机应用推送的通知,它还能独立存在吗?

    If one of the Watch 's main uses is to display notifications pushed out by smartphone apps , could it have an independent existence ?

  7. 它在Sj.91.com和apk.hiapk.com网站上,为iPhone操作系统和Android操作系统开发和运行两大智能手机应用分发平台。

    It developed and runs two major smart-phone app distribution platforms for iOS and Android systems on the websites Sj.91.com and apk.hiapk.com .

  8. 它们将像iPod和GPS追踪器一样&对有些人有用,但再也不会畅销热卖,而且它们中的大多数都将被智能手机应用所取代。

    They 'll be like iPods and GPS trackers & useful to some , but no longer top sellers , and mostly replaced by smartphone apps .

  9. 它们将像iPod和GPS追踪器一样——对有些人有用,但再也不会畅销热卖,而且它们中的大多数都将被智能手机应用所取代。

    They 'll be like iPods and GPS trackers -- useful to some , but no longer top sellers , and mostly replaced by smartphone apps .

  10. 他还面向秀场观众开发了GPS雷达系统(GPSRadar)。这款智能手机应用不仅能追踪请柬、座位分配表,还可以实时更新秀台的最新画面。

    For show-goers , he developed GPS Radar , a smartphone app that keeps track of invitations , seating assignments , and gets updated with the latest images of what 's gone down the runway .

  11. 法国医疗电子设备制造商VisioMed推出“BewellConnect”电子体检:将智能手机应用与血压计、血糖监测仪、体温计及血氧传感器连接,即可实现。

    French-based health group VisioMed introduced its Bewell Connect virtual checkup through a smartphone app that communicates with its connected blood pressure and glucose monitor , thermometer and blood oxygen sensor . 6 .

  12. AppAnnie网站的数据显示,《糖果粉碎传奇》是第二畅销的智能手机应用,仅次于Supercell的《部落战争》(ClashofClans)。

    It ranks as the second highest-grossing smartphone app , according to the website App Annie , after Supercell 's Clash of Clans .

  13. 近几年来,智能手机应用软件和3G网络得到了迅速发展,手机已成为人们日常生活中必不可少的一部分。

    As the rapid development of the smart phone application and 3G network in the recent years , Mobile phones have become an essential and integral part of our daily lives .

  14. 在线购物平台,如阿里巴巴(alibaba)的淘宝(taobao),也有新的突破,尤其是在通过智能手机应用程序进行移动购物方面。

    Online shopping platforms , such as Taobao , developed by Alibaba , have also broken new ground , especially in mobile shopping through smartphone apps .

  15. “划时代”项目也发布了一款简单易用的智能手机应用,分为iOS和安卓版,上面提供实时的火星天气预报。

    The Generation Beyond project also includes a neat smartphone app for iOS and Android devices providing real-time information concerning weather reports from Mars .

  16. 这就是按需经济(on-demandeconomy),这种工作模式体现在优步(Uber)等在线系统上。优步是一款智能手机应用,它可以把个体出租车司机和需要出行的城市居民匹配起来。

    This is the on-demand economy , the pattern of work exemplified by online systems such as Uber , a smartphone app that matches freelance taxi drivers to city dwellers who need a ride .

  17. 法兰克福一家法庭禁止了其UberPop“拼车”服务——该服务通过一款智能手机应用,为没有出租车牌照的车主招揽乘客。

    This time it is in Germany , where a Frankfurt court has banned its Uber Pop " ride-sharing " service that introduces passengers to unlicensed drivers through a smartphone app .

  18. 这对于为大型企业级应用程序编写智能手机应用程序来说是至关重要的,比如说,SAP或SugerCRM(ERP或CRM应用程序),因为没有公司使用现成(outofthebox)的架构。

    This is critical to enable smartphone apps to be written for large enterprise applications such as SAP or SugarCRM ( ERP or CRM apps ), because no company uses an " out of the box " schema .

  19. 其次,提出了一种智能手机应用系统的解决方案,通过UML语言建立了应用系统的用例模型、静态模型和动态模型。

    Then , the thesis puts forward a resolution to the smartphone application system , and establishes the use case model , static model and dynamic model of the application system using UML ( Unified Modeling Language ) .

  20. jcpenney、target、gap和玩具反斗城(toysrus)等其他零售商,则发布了智能手机应用程序(app),结合诸如帮助用户查找实体店位置、查询商品是否有货等服务,促进销售。

    Others , including JC Penney , target , gap and Toys R US have launched smartphone applications , or apps , that promote deals alongside services such as helping customers locate physical stores or check the availability of items .

  21. 通讯行业的高管称,由于Facebook已经开始通过自身的许多智能手机应用来提供手机通话等服务,这家社交网络公司也应该遵守适用于传统移动运营商的规定。

    And industry executives say that as the social network starts to offer other services like phone calls through the company 's many smartphone applications , Facebook should play by the same rules that now apply to traditional mobile operators .

  22. 智能手机应用软件领域尤为如此:层出不穷的应用软件令人目不暇接,在安卓(Android)应用商店里即可下载,而且跟其他地方不同,这里的安卓应用商店并非由谷歌(Google)主导。

    That is particularly true of apps for smartphones , which come out too quickly to track and are available for download on Android app stores that , unlike in the rest of the world , are not dominated by Google .

  23. 有了Uber、Lyft等流行智能手机应用,大家再也不需要在雨中的街角傻站着招呼出租车了。

    And popular smartphone apps like Uber and LYFT mean never having to stand on a rainy street corner hailing a cab ever again .

  24. 在去年11月北京举行亚太经合组织(APEC)会议前夕,一个比较美国大使馆读数与中国官方数据的热门智能手机应用的开发商,被勒令停止囊括美国大使馆的读数。

    The developers of a popular smartphone app that compares readings from the US embassy with government data were ordered to stop including the embassy figures in the lead-up to November 's Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation meeting .

  25. 一个名为精灵科学(PixieScientific)的纽约初创公司发明了一种尿布。公司称,这种尿布可以察觉潜在的尿路感染、肾功能障碍和脱水等疾病状况,而且,配合一款智能手机应用,可将相关信息传达给医生。

    A New York start-up called Pixie Scientific has developed a diaper that the company says can detect possible urinary tract infections , kidney dysfunctions , and dehydration , accompanied by a smartphone app that can transmit the information to a physician .

  26. •Fjord设计的智能手机应用Macaw可以同时从许多来源收集数据,用户可以了解他们关注的多项事物的概况。

    • the fjord-designed smartphone app Macaw aggregates data from several sources in one experience , allowing users to get an overview of various things they track .

  27. 多年来,谷歌(Google)、威瑞森(Verizon)和AT&T等大型科技、电信公司一直在设法用智能手机应用替代钱包,在收银台这里点一下,那里刷一下,取代信用卡或钞票。

    Large tech and telecom companies like Google , Verizon and AT & T have tried for years to replace the traditional wallet with smartphone apps , having a click here or swipe there replace a credit card or dollar bills at the register .

  28. 多年来,谷歌(Google)、威瑞森(Verizon)和ATT等大型科技、电信公司一直在设法用智能手机应用替代钱包,在收银台这里点一下,那里刷一下,取代信用卡或钞票。

    Large tech and telecom companies like Google , Verizon and ATT have tried for years to replace the traditional wallet with smartphone apps , having a click here or swipe there replace a credit card or dollar bills at the register .

  29. 2014年底,微信(WeChat)用户数量同比增长41%,至5亿人,突显推出这款中国社交媒体智能手机应用的腾讯(Tencent)在移动互联网领域扩大地盘。

    WeChat , the Chinese social media smartphone app , saw an increase in user numbers of 41 per cent year on year to 500m at the end of 2014 , in a sign that parent company Tencent is extending its reach for the mobile internet .

  30. 新兴网站seeclickfix已经推出了一款智能手机应用软件,它使得使用者可以报告诸如损坏的街灯或需要捡拾的垃圾等情况。

    And seeclickfix , a start-up , has come up with a smartphone app that allows users to report such things as broken streetlights or rubbish that needs to be picked up .