
  • 网络Think Tank;ThinkTank;think-tank
  1. 英国智库Autonomy和冰岛可持续民主协会的研究人员称,他们当中的许多人从每周工作40个小时改为每周工作35或36个小时。

    Many of them moved from a 40 hour week to a 35 or 36 hour week , researchers from UK think tank Autonomy and the Association for Sustainable Democracy ( Alda ) in Iceland said .

  2. 这家智库的主任尼克·希尔曼(NickHillman)说,这份报告说明国际学生不该成为移民局针对限制的目标对象。

    The think tank 's director , Nick Hillman , says it shows international students should be removed from immigration targets .

  3. 经济智库国家经济社会研究院(nationalinstituteofeconomicandsocialresearch)表示,英国经济已在4月份重返增长轨道。

    The economics think-tank the National Institute for economic and social research said the economy returned to growth in April .

  4. 在民主党“三维智库”(ThirdWay)本周发表的一篇后续文章中,路德维格提出了类似结论。

    Ludwig reported similar findings in a follow-up essay published this week by Third Way , a Democratic think tank .

  5. 本文作者为ReformTaskForceLatvia智库首席经济学家

    The author is chief economist of the Reform Task Force Latvia think-tank

  6. 立场偏左的智库经济政策研究所(EconomicPolicyInstitute)的副所长罗斯•艾森布里(RossEisenbrey)说:

    Ross Eisenbrey , vice-president of the Economic Policy Institute , a left-leaning think-tank , said :

  7. 本文作者是研究欧盟(eu)问题的独立智库“开放欧洲”(openeurope)的经济学家。

    The writer is an economist at open Europe , an independent think tank on the European Union .

  8. 非党派智库预算和政策优先事项中心(CenteronBudgetandPolicyPriorities)的首席经济学家查德•斯通表示,这种担忧不恰当。

    Chad stone , chief economist at the non-partisan center on budget and policy priorities , says the fears are misplaced .

  9. 另据经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnitstudy)近期开展的一项研究,公司声誉受损带来的风险几乎是恐怖主义和自然灾害所带来的风险的三倍。

    According to a recent Economist Intelligence Unit study , reputation risk is nearly three times greater than the risk of terrorism and natural disaster .

  10. 斯托纳拉斯在1989年入职雅典大学教经济学。他也是希腊智库“经济与产业研究基金会”(FoundationforEconomicandIndustrialResearch)的主席。

    He joined the University of Athens in 1989 , where he teaches economics , and he also chairs the Foundation for Economic and Industrial Research , a Greek think tank .

  11. 据经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnit)数据,从1980年以来,尼日利亚政府获得石油收入约1.3万亿美元。

    Nigeria 's government has collected about $ 1.3 trillion in oil revenue since 1980 , according to the Economist Intelligence Unit .

  12. 最近,我到巴黎参加了新经济思维研究所(InstituteforNewEconomicThinking)的年会。这个智库专注于鼓励经济领域的新理论和新实践。

    Last week to Paris , for the annual conference of the Institute for New Economic Thinking , a think-tank focused on encouraging fresh theory and practice in the field .

  13. 由伦敦智库金融创新研究中心(centreforthestudyoffinancialinnovation)发表的这份报告,可能会重新点燃有关杠杆收购的社会价值的辩论。

    The report from the centre for the study of financial innovation , a London-based think-tank , is likely to reignite the debate about the social value of leveraged buy-outs .

  14. 当时他加入了智库兰德公司(randcorporation),因此必须决定如何投资自己的养老金。

    He joined the RAND Corporation and had to decide how to invest his pension .

  15. 而在经济学人智库(EconomistIntelligenceUnit)和旅游购物退税公司环球蓝联(GlobalBlue)合作发布的欧洲城市消费指数排行中,马德里和巴塞罗那并列第二,仅次于伦敦。

    in a shopping index ranking of European cities put together by the Economist Intelligence Unit and Global Blue , a tourism shopping tax refund company .

  16. 两年前,韦斯合伙创建了智库“西点谈判项目”(westpointnegotiationproject),帮助小型作战部队的军官研究和提高谈判技巧。

    Two years ago , Mr Weiss co-founded the West Point negotiation project , a think-tank that researches and develops negotiation techniques for the leaders of small combat units .

  17. 下周召开的布鲁金斯学会(brookingsinstitution)智库春季会议将讨论这两位经济学家的论文。

    The paper will be discussed next week at the Brookings Institution think-tank spring conference .

  18. 智库Tomorrow’sCompany建议,董事们应与股东保持更加密切的互动,反过来,股东应该更像长期增长的领路人,而非像交易员。

    Tomorrow 's Company proposes that directors engage more closely with shareholders who , in turn , should behave more like stewards of long-term growth , rather than traders .

  19. 颇受尊敬的智库自由之家(FreedomHouse)最近发表的一份年度调查显示,世界的自由程度连续第8年净下降。

    In its most recent annual survey , the respected think tank Freedom House recorded a net decline in world freedom for the eighth year in a row .

  20. 《经济学人智库》(economistintelligenceunit)表示,日本公司属于发达国家中盈利能力最强、杆杠率最低、资本结构最好的企业。

    According to the Economist Intelligence Unit , Japanese companies have among the highest profitability , lowest leverage and strongest capitalisation in the developed world .

  21. 智库新金融(NewFinancial)周一发布的另一份报告显示,在英国的金融服务公司,只有14%的执行委员会成员和23%的董事会董事是女性。

    In UK financial services companies , only 14 per cent of executive committee members are female , and 23 per cent of board directors , according to a separate report on Monday from think-tank New Financial .

  22. 管涛在北京经济智库&中国金融四十人论坛(ChinaFinance40Forum)网站上撰文称,美国为刺激经济增长实施了扩张性财政和货币政策。

    The United States has adopted expansionary fiscal and monetary policy to stimulate economic growth , Mr Guan said in an article that was published on the website of China Finance 40 Forum , a Beijing economic think tank .

  23. 伦敦智库国际政策网(InternationalPolicyNetwork)的报告显示,中国是世界上最大的假药生产国之一。这个智库的研究重点之一就是药品问题。

    China is one of the world 's largest producers of counterfeit pharmaceuticals , according to a report by the London-based International Policy Network , a think tank that focuses in part on pharmaceutical issues .

  24. 华盛顿智库全球发展中心(CentreforGlobalDevelopment)的南希·博德塞奥(NancyBirdsall)倾向于将建议和借贷脱钩。

    Nancy Birdsall of the Centre for Global Development , a think-tank in Washington , DC , favours decoupling advice and loans .

  25. 总部位于华盛顿的智库彼得森国际经济研究所(petersoninstituteforinternationaleconomics)表示,人民币兑美元汇率目前仍比公允水平低24%。

    The Peterson Institute for international economics , a Washington-based think-tank , says the renminbi remains 24 per cent below fair value against the dollar .

  26. 独立智囊机构经济与和平学会(instituteforeconomicsandpeace)与总部位于英国的经济学人智库(economistintelligenceunit)共同编制了全球和平指数。

    The global peace index is drawn up by the Institute for economics and peace , an independent think-tank , together with the UK-based Economist Intelligence Unit .

  27. 追踪政治多元化前景的华盛顿智库freedomhouse估计,2010年,全球自由遭遇了“连续第五年衰落”。

    Freedom House , the Washington-based think-tank that tracks the fortunes of political pluralism , calculates that global freedom suffered a " fifth consecutive year of decline in 2010 " .

  28. 根据智库“政策研究中心”(CentreforPolicyStudies)的一份报告,上世纪80年代中期,伦敦顶尖律所合伙人的收费在每小时150英镑到175英镑之间。

    In the mid-1980s , partners at top London firms charged between £ 150 and £ 175 an hour , according to a report by the Centre for Policy Studies , a think-tank .

  29. 本文作者是布鲁塞尔Bruegel智库的高级研究员和华盛顿彼得森国际经济研究所(PetersonInstituteforInternationalEconomicsinWashington)访问学者

    The writer is senior fellow at Bruegel in Brussels , and visiting fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington

  30. 美国智库&传统基金会(HeritageFoundation)发布的另一份数据显示,今年上半年中国对外投资出现了罕见的下降。

    In the first half of this year there was a rare drop in outbound Chinese investment , according to alternative data published by the US think-tank the Heritage Foundation .