
  1. 企业现有的业绩评价体系仍需进一步改进,适当引用经济增加值、平衡计分法等新型业绩评价方法,会使企业绩效评价效果更好。

    The existing enterprise performance evaluation system still needs to improve . We should appropriately quote economic value added ( EVA ), balanced score method and other new performance evaluation methods .

  2. 第三章是本文的核心,提出了我国处理戏仿问题的具体方案&通过扩大解释适当引用条款,使戏仿作品纳入合理使用行为的范畴。

    The third chapter is the core of this paper , in this chapter , the specific schemes for dealing with the parody problems are proposed , that is , by enlarging the explanations and citing some related terms , parody problems are brought into legal scope .

  3. 有人不适当地引用我的话,想借此把事情闹大。

    Someone took an inappropriate use of words on my part and tried to blow it into a major controversy .

  4. 在Java中,当对象被不适当地引用时,内存泄漏时常发生。

    Memory leaks often occur in Java when objects hold on to references inappropriately .

  5. 内核为每一个GBean提供运行时环境,观察每个GBean的需求并加入适当的引用。

    The kernel provides for the needs of each GBean at run time , looking at what each GBean says it needs and injecting the appropriate references .

  6. 导入符号完成,使在当前项目中完成类型名名称和扩展方法成为可能。它也在需要的时候自动添加适当的using引用。

    Import Symbol Completion , completes the names of types and extension methods available in the current project ; it also automatically adds the appropriate using directives when necessary .

  7. 对VB.net,优化import命令,适当的简化引用,根据格式风格格式化你的代码。

    For VB . NET , you can optimize'import'directives , shorten qualified references , and reformat your code according to a formatting style .

  8. 这可大部分藉由适当地交叉引用之前的实验而达成。

    Much of this can be accomplished by suitable cross references to previous experiments .

  9. 适当合法的引用别人的著作或是借鉴别人的想法,每个字都要标注上引用的记号。

    To use another person 's writing or ideas properly and legally , every word cited should be attributed .

  10. 最好适当地使用引用,收尾器与之不同,除了清理本地资源,它在编写得很好的应用程序中基本没用。

    Unlike references , which are best used in moderation , finalizers have essentially no use in a well-written application , with the exception of tidying up native resources .

  11. 因此,公共科技场馆在保证公益性的同时,在其运营过程中也应适当地借鉴并引用各种市场机制&社会化筹资机制、人才激励机制、市场营销机制。

    Therefore , public museums , while ensuring the public welfare , public science and technology museum must also operate using all kinds of market mechanisms - social funding mechanisms , personnel incentives , and marketing mechanisms .