
  • 网络quality fluctuation
  1. PTA质量波动减小,纯度提高,促进了PET质量的稳定和提高,质量效益明显。

    By our work , the quality fluctuation of PTA is decreasing , and the purity , stability of quality , quality benefit is improving significantly .

  2. 一种关于汽车零部件质量波动的设计控制方法

    A Method About Design and Control of Quality Fluctuation of Auto Parts

  3. 本文分析了调速器参数(bt,Td)对调压井质量波动稳定性的影响;

    In this paper , the influence of Governor Settings ( b_t , T_d ) on surte tank mass oscillation stability is analysed .

  4. 接着研究了评定过程质量波动的平滑梯度指标函数LC(n),在此基础上提出了相应的应用策略,实现了与SPC方法的有效集成,经模拟试验与工程应用验证其可行性。

    Index function LC ( n ) of Energy Smooth Grade for evaluating quality process is studied . Application strategy of proposed adjusting is given , integration of SPC and process adjustment is realized . This method is validated with simulated data and practice .

  5. 采用AQS技术对波音飞机舱门外形数据测量点进行分析,查找产品质量波动的原因,制定相应的措施,提高了产品质量。

    The door contour data measuring points of Boeing aircraft are analyzed by using AQS technology . The reasons of the unstable product quality are determined . The corresponding measures are taken .

  6. 在网络仿真器(NS-2)中的模拟结果表明,该错误保护策略可以有效地减少视频失真以及视频质量波动,在10%的平均丢包概率下,可以获得1.5dB的质量提高。

    Simulation results in network simulator ( NS-2 ) show that the proposed error protection strategy can effectively reduce the video distortion and the variation of video quality . The strategy can achieve 1.5 dB gains under average packet loss ratio of 10 % .

  7. 锅炉给水质量波动的有效预防、检测和响应

    Boiler Feedwater Quality Excursions : Effective Prevention , Detection and Response

  8. 这会导致令人失望的缺陷或质量波动。

    This , led to disappointing faults or fluctuations in quality .

  9. 水泥质量波动对混凝土强度和耐久性的影响

    Influence of Cement Quality Differences on Concrete Strength and Durability

  10. 凤阳烤烟产量和质量波动的气候因素分析

    An Analysis of Climate Factors influencing in Yield and Quality of Flue-Cured Tobacco

  11. 多学科优化的质量波动数学模型研究及应用

    Mathematical model of quality variations in multidisciplinary optimization

  12. 控制图的主要任务就是控制系统性差异造成的质量波动。

    The main task of control chart is to control quality fluctuation caused by system performance difference .

  13. 调速器参数整定值对调压井质量波动稳定性的影响及调节系统动特性分析

    Influence of Governor Settings on the Surge Tank Mass Oscillation Stability and Governing System Dynamic Performance Analysis

  14. 休哈特单值-移动极差控制图与精密度试验方法在入境澳洲铁矿质量波动跟踪中的应用

    Application of Charlie control chart and precision test method on the fluctuation trace of entry Australian iron quality

  15. 保障生产安全和减小产品质量波动一直是过程工业的两个主题。

    The safety of production procedure and consistency of product quality are always two themes of the process industry .

  16. 小浪底工程粉煤灰质量波动对砼性能影响的试验论证

    Test Argument on the Influences of the Flyash Quality Fluctuation on the Concrete Performance in Xiaolangdi Multipurpose Dam Project

  17. 调压井断面尺寸变化对水锤压力反射及质量波动衰减速度的影响

    The Effect of Variation in Surge Shaft Section Size upon the Reflection of Water Hammer Pressure and the Speed of Quality Fluctuation Attenuation

  18. 分析了港务原料厂混匀矿质量波动的原因,并提出了应对措施。

    The reasons of quality fluctuation of blended ore at Harbor and Raw Material Plant in Ma Steel are analyzed and the countermeasures are put forward .

  19. 在生产灰铸铁时,加入微量锑可防止铁液质量波动,提高抗拉强度和耐磨性。

    When producing gray iron , it is possible by adding trace antimony to prevent quality fluctuation of molten iron and increase tensile strength and wear resistance .

  20. 如何消除服务质量波动,充分拓展服务质量提升的空间,赶超世界饭店业服务水准,是摆在学者和业界人士面前的新课题。

    How to eliminate the fluctuation of service quality and expand the improvement ability to achieve the world standard is the new task for the scholars and practitioners .

  21. 此系统方案的建立,克服了烧结原料品种变换频繁带来的质量波动,稳定了混匀料和烧结矿的化学成分。

    This system project can overcome the quality fluctuation caused by the changes in the sinter material and stabilize the chemical component of the blending material and sintering material .

  22. 人类对技术的追求永无止境,保障生产安全和减小产品质量波动一直是工业生产过程的两大追求目标。

    Human won 't be satisfied with obtaining knowledge . Similarly , the safety of production procedure and consistency of product quality are always two goals of the process industry .

  23. 采用氨法制备活性氧化锌产品质量波动大,尚存在反应时间长,能耗高等不足。

    Besides , the preparation of activated zinc oxide by ammonia complex method has encounters many shortages , such as unstable quality of products , long reaction time and high energy-consuming .

  24. 同时计算出产品的合格率和废品率,并画出质量波动图、质量控制图、直方图。

    At the same time , the computer can calculate the percent of pass and the rejection ration , and display the quality fluctuation gram , the quality control figure , histogram .

  25. 间歇过程的建模和控制困难、质量波动大等亟待解决的关键问题制约了化学工业的精细化进程。

    The product quality of batch process is usually very difficult to model and control . Consequently , this causes great quality fluctuations and restricts the development of the modern fine chemical industry .

  26. 为了使零售商的价格决策能反映易腐食品的质量波动,在分析微生物预测模型及有效划分市场消费群的基础上,以巴氏奶为例建立了基于货架期的易腐食品捆绑销售模型。

    In order to make the retailer 's pricing decision reflect the quality fluctuation of perishable foods , the bundling selling model based on the shelf life for perishable foods was established by taking pasteurized milk as illustration after effectively partitioning customer-groups among the whole market .

  27. 然而目前广泛应用的铁水预脱硫主要采用人工控制,这导致对生产过程的判断和操作调剂的主观性很大,难以保证脱硫操作的稳定性,导致钢产品质量波动大,脱硫成本增加。

    However , presently the popular iron water pre-desulfuration method is mostly based on manual control which is too subjective to make a right decision for process and manipulation sometimes , which results in the instability of the process , harms the quality of steel and increases the production cost .

  28. 笔者针对组分油质量的波动,采用Kalman算法预测组分油的质量,并在此基础上,通过对整个调合时域的在线滚动优化得到油品调合配方。

    The quality of feedstock is predicted by Kalman prediction algorithm with respect to the fluctuation in its quality , and the blend recipes are obtained through online rolling optimization over the entire time horizon based on the predicted quality data .

  29. 探索旅游目的地服务质量的波动

    Exploring the Fluctuation of the Service Quality of the Tourism Destination

  30. 辨别引起系统质量特性波动的噪声因子。

    Identify noise factors whose variation may affect the quality characteristics .