
  • 网络mass transport
  1. 构造岩的体积应变和质量迁移分析是构造时限年代学和流体/岩石比值研究的中间环节,它还在估算挤压构造带缩短量以及求算碳酸盐岩脱排CO2资源量等方面具有广泛的应用前景。

    The analysis of volume strain and mass transport of tectonite is an intermediate link of the examination of structural chronology and fluid / rock ratios , and will be widely used in the ( estimation ) of shortening volumes of compressional structural zones and the resources .

  2. 随着温度的降低,释放速度和质量迁移通量减小。

    As the temperature decreased , the release rate and mass transport flux decreased .

  3. 质量迁移层对InGaAsPBH半导体激光器阈值电流和模式行为的影响

    Influence of Mass-Transported Layers on Threshold Current and Mode Behavior in InGaAsP BH Semiconductor Lasers

  4. 有机质的存在减缓了HCH从沉积物中的释放,减少了质量迁移通量。

    The organic matter relieved the release of HCH from sediments and reduced the mass transfer flux .

  5. 瞬态分子扩散传质过程中质量迁移特性理论研究

    Theoretical Study of Mass Transfer Behavior in Transient Mass Transfer Process

  6. 元素质量迁移系数真实的反应了元素的迁入迁出情况。

    The mass transport coefficient can truly reflect the net loss or gain of REE .

  7. 用集中质量迁移法求多层框架的基本自振周期

    Determination of Fundamental Natural Period of Multistory Frame by Using Moveable Method of Concentrated Mass

  8. 变质分异作用中的质量迁移

    Mass Transfer in Processes of Metamorphic Differentiation

  9. 奥氏体不锈钢在高温钠中的质量迁移效应研究

    Study of mass transfer behaviours in Austenitic Stainless Steels Exposed to sodium at high temperature

  10. 上覆水中溶解性有机碳的含量越大,其质量迁移通量也越大。

    As the content of dissolved organic carbon ( DOC ) in overlying water increased , the mass transfer flux increased .

  11. 重力变化可能是由该区地壳形变、地壳深部质量迁移和断层蠕动共同作用引起的。

    The Variation of gravity field in this area may be caused by the crustal deformation or deep transference and fault creep .

  12. 能量密度达到造成液态质量迁移条件的长脉冲激光,可获得较大的烧蚀率和截面积较大的通孔。

    A long-pulse laser , whose energy density can cause the liquid mass transferred , can get a greater ablation ratio and a hole with larger cross section .

  13. 在以往围岩蚀变的质量迁移研究基础上,本文提出了一种判定惰性元素的方法,同时结合等浓度线和加权最小二乘法;

    The main purpose of this paper is to introduce a new method to study the immobile elements and mass transport of in geochemical process of wall-rock alteration .

  14. 铅、硫同位素研究认为从全岩到胶结物,铅同位素发生了质量迁移和分馏作用;

    The Pb , S isotopic study shows that the mass migration and the fractional distillation of Pb isotope took place in the whole rock and in the cement .

  15. 模拟所得到的地球化学模型揭示了矿床内主要相态在成矿流体不同演化阶段的质量迁移情况,为全面理解矿床的形成机制和动力学过程提供了新的途径。

    These models have documented the mass variation of main phases in the mineralizing fluids during their evolution , that provides a new insight into the mechanism and dynamic processes of mineralization .

  16. 从硫化物的氧化、脉石矿物的溶解、氧的扩散、水的流动和溶质质量迁移等过程的耦合作用建立了尾矿水相互作用的动力学模型。

    Based on the coupled processes among sulfide oxidation , gangue dissolution , oxygen diffusion , water flow and mass transport , this paper established a comprehensive dynamic model for tailings-water interaction .

  17. 岩石块体中的压实和挤压作用反映了其内的机构能量积累和转换过程,并作为独特的具有高地球化学活性和剧烈质量迁移的推动力。

    The compaction and compression zones in rock massifs reflect the actions of accumulation and transformation of mechanical energy and serve as peculiar reactors with high geochemical activity and intense mass transfer .

  18. 本文建立了吸附式制冷基本循环和连续回热循环的热力模型,研究和发展了有蒸汽质量迁移的新型回热循环。

    In this article , detailed thermodynamic analyses of basic adsorption refrigeration cycle and regenerative adsorption refrigeration cycle is presented , an advanced adsorption cycle with internal vapour and heat recovery is developed .

  19. 在混合物流动中,某组元i的质量迁移速度(绝对速度)等于对流速度(牵连速度)与扩散速度(相对速度)之和.扩散速度以及扩散系数依对流速度取法之不同而不同。

    The mass migration velocity ( absolute velocity ) of component I in a multicom-pont flow is equal to the convection velocity ( frame velocity ) plus the diffusion velocity ( relative velocity ) .

  20. 本文通过对稀土赋存状态的实验研究,结合稀土元素质量迁移系数,系统的分析了稀土元素在碳酸盐岩风化壳中的迁移、转化行为,探讨了稀土发生富集和分异的机理。

    This paper through the studies about the combining states of REE and the mass transport coefficient , analyses the behavior of REE systematically and provides the mechanism about the enrichment and fractionation of REE .

  21. 考虑水分迁移和冰水相变耦合影响,根据瞬态温度场问题的热量平衡控制微分方程和质量迁移方程,应用伽辽金法推导出了有限元计算公式并编制了计算软件。

    Taking water transfer and phase change into account , the finite element formulae of this problem and computation program are derived from the governing differential equations and water transfer equations by Galerkin 's method .

  22. 论文依据地质体系开放系统元素质量迁移计算方法,对研究区蚀变岩矿化蚀变过程中惰性元素、元素质量迁移和成矿系统质量变化等进行了相关探讨。

    The paper based on the migration characteristics of the elements in the altered rocks in the process of hydrothermal alternation , immobile element , gains and losses of elements and qualitative change of metallogenic system were discussed .

  23. 一般来说,代码质量不会对迁移的复杂性有直接的影响。

    In general , code quality does not have a direct impact on migration complexity .

  24. 这就是将应用程序环境从质量保证环境迁移到生产环境中所需做的全部工作!

    This is all it takes to move your application environment from quality assurance into a production environment !

  25. 相比于结构不清晰的被试组,结构清晰的被试组有更好的图式表征质量和类比迁移成绩。

    The subjects have better schema quality and analogical transfer performance on the condition of well-organized structure than those on the condition of ill-organized structure .

  26. 通过研究多氯联苯在土壤/沉积物中的吸附行为,对了解其在环境中的污染状况、评价环境质量、预测迁移转化规律、以及环境污染的治理与控制等都具有重要意义。

    So the study on adsorption behavior of PCBs in soil has a significant effect to known their pollute status , evaluate environmental quality , predict the transport and transformation law , control environmental pollution and protect environment .

  27. 您已将一个AccountManagement应用程序从测试迁移到质量保证,最后迁移到生产环境中。

    You have moved an Account Management application from development to test to quality assurance and finally into production .

  28. 目前存在的基于服务质量的虚拟机迁移算法主要是固定带宽的动态迁移算法和动态带宽迁移算法(dark算法)。

    The existing virtual machine migration algorithm based on quality of service is mainly the fixed bandwidth for the dynamic migration algorithms and dynamic bandwidth migration algorithm ( clark algorithm ) .

  29. 介绍了硅材料本征载流子浓度ni、禁带宽度Eg、电子和空穴有效质量和及载流子迁移率μ的高温模型和计算结果。

    In this paper , the high temperature models and calculation results of silicon materials ' intrinsic carrier concentration m , energy gap Eg , effective mass of electron and hole as well as carrier mobility p are introduced .

  30. 通过提高农民工子女的教育质量,这种人口迁移模式也有利于长期的生产率增长。

    By improving the quality of education of children of migrants , such a migration pattern will also be good for long term productivity growth .