
  • 网络mass flux
  1. 实际散体质量通量的计算及检验

    Calculation and Verification of mass flux on practical loose body

  2. 通过湿空气相对位涡方程的诊断分析,得到平流项、斜压项和次网格尺度的质量通量辐合项是影响局地位涡变化的主要项。

    By diagnostic analysis of the relative potential vorticity equation for moist air it is found that the advection term and the baroclinic term and the subgrid scale mass flux convergence term are principal terms effecting the local change of potential vorticity .

  3. 修正的ECMWF质量通量积云参数化方案的预报试验

    Forecasting experiments of modified ECMWF mass-flux cumulus parameterization scheme

  4. Arakawa-Lamb位势拟能和能量守恒格式中近极点质量通量项的讨论

    A study of the mass flux term near the pole in the ARAKAWA-LAMB potential enstrophy conserving scheme

  5. 结果表明,Gregory质量通量方案能给出较Kuo型方案更加合理的降水落区,并且对降水量的预报也有显著的改进。

    The simulations show that the Gregory parameterized scheme , which is still used in the United Kingdom Meteorological Office routine model , simulates more reasonable rainfall area amount and distribution compared to the Kuo type scheme .

  6. 在将Arakawa-Lamb位势拟能守恒格式(PEC)应用于有陡地形引入的全球数值模拟时,发现:对极地附近的质量通量项作某些修正可以对原方案有所改进。

    On application of the Arakawa-Lamb Potential Enstrophy Conserving ( PEC ) scheme to global numerical modeling with steep topography it was found that it might be possible to make a little improvement on the original scheme for the mass flux term In the near-pole area .

  7. 一种改进的质量通量积云参数化方案及预报试验

    An Improved Mass flux Cumulus Parameterization Scheme and Forecasting Experiments

  8. 在稳定流动中,质量通量是恒定不变的。

    In steady flow , mass flux is constant .

  9. 相平衡和径向分布函数(Ⅰ)&相平衡的质量通量准则

    Phase equilibria and radial distribution function (ⅰ) mass flux criterion for phase equilibria

  10. 高密度气固两相流颗粒质量通量的自动测量方法

    An Automatic Method for Measuring Solids Flux in High Density Gas-solids Two-phase Flow

  11. 氧化剂质量通量对固液火箭发动机中固体燃料退移速率的影响

    Influence of mass flux of oxidizer on regression rate of solid fuel in hybrid rocket motors

  12. 对于不可压缩的流体来说,流管中的质量通量和体积通量都是恒定不变的。

    For incompressible fluids , both the mass flux and the volume flux are constant in a tube of flow .

  13. 得到了混合粒径下颗粒的垂直质量通量和水平质量通量以及沙粒粒径分布的变化情况。

    Vertical mass flux and horizontal mass flux of particles and the change of sand particle size distribution are obtained too . 3 .

  14. 修正的质量通量积云对流方案及其模拟试验研究I:方案介绍及对1991年洪涝过程的模拟

    Modified mass flux cumulus parameterization scheme and its simulation experiment part I : mass flux scheme and its simulation of the flooding in 1991

  15. 然而,NCEP1中地面气压的变化趋势与越赤道大气质量通量的方向相互冲突。

    However , the trends of the surface pressure and mass flux in NCEP 1 might conflict with each other to a great extent .

  16. 得到了亲和层析过程的总熵变表达式,多场协同条件下质量通量和热量通量的唯象表达式以及相应的传质和传热系数。

    The total entropy production for affinity chromatography and the equations of mass and heat fluxes under the condition of the multi-field synergy were obtained .

  17. 结果表明,北向质量通量具有明显的年际变化。

    It is shown from the results of the estimation that there is obvious interannual variability of the northward flux of the sea water mass .

  18. 提出了相平衡的质量通量准则以代替化学位准则,并因此得到两相平衡时的密度关系方程;

    Instead of chemical potential criterion , mass flux criterion was suggested and the relationship of the densities of two phases was obtained when they were in equilibrium .

  19. 同时我们模拟得到了跃移运动时,颗粒的垂直质量通量和水平质量通量随摩阻速度的变化规律,与实验值相比较,两者非常吻合。

    We also simulate the vertical mass flux and the horizontal mass flux of particles with the variation of the friction velocity . Compared with the experimental values , both of them are in good agreements .

  20. 质量通量、热流密度、微通道几何结构对微通道中参数波动的周期和振幅均有影响。

    The mass flux , heat flux and structure of microchannel all influenced the fluctuation period and amplitude of various measurements ; ( 3 ) the stability of boiling could be improved by increasing the mass flux or reducing the heat flux .

  21. 有机质的存在减缓了HCH从沉积物中的释放,减少了质量迁移通量。

    The organic matter relieved the release of HCH from sediments and reduced the mass transfer flux .

  22. 随着温度的降低,释放速度和质量迁移通量减小。

    As the temperature decreased , the release rate and mass transport flux decreased .

  23. 上覆水中溶解性有机碳的含量越大,其质量迁移通量也越大。

    As the content of dissolved organic carbon ( DOC ) in overlying water increased , the mass transfer flux increased .

  24. 海平面宇宙射线重粒子的质量谱及通量的测量

    Measurement of heavy particle mass distribution in cosmic ray at sea-level

  25. 采用有限元法,考虑洞口排放源、洞口边界与东线洞口排放及隧道西线洞口进风的影响,对该特长隧道洞口排放形成的垂直和水平二维CO质量浓度分布及通量场进行了数值计算。

    The CO concentration distribution and flux field for both horizontal section and vertical section around outside portals were numerically calculated using finite element method .

  26. 本文应用带扩大室及毛细管的U管压差计对垂直受热通道内汽液两相流压降进行了测定,作出了实测压降及实测液体循环质量流速与热通量的关系曲线。

    Pressure drops of vapor-liquid two-phase flow in a heated vertical channel are measured by using a U-tube manometer with an enlarged chamber and a capillary , and curves for the relation of the measured pressure drops and the mass velocities of liquid circulation with heat fluxes are drawn .

  27. 海河水环境质量及污染物入海通量

    Quality of Aquatic Environment at Haihe River and the Pollutant Fluxes Flowing into Sea

  28. 采用两层介质之间污染物质量浓度连续和通量连续条件,处理衬里系统底端边界条件。

    After the continuous mass concentration and flux conditions of the contaminant between two media were adopted , the bottom boundary condition of liner systems was treated .