
  1. 然而,ISO9000实质上是一个标准化的管理工具,提供了产品或服务的质量的标杆,只是一个构建体系的基本框架。

    However . ISO9000 is essentially a standardized management tool that provides a product or service quality benchmark , only a basic framework to build system .

  2. 对于轻质货物,以货车的载质量为标杆,在充分利用货车容积的同时,尽可能地提高货车的载质量利用率;

    Light goods were marked with trucks ' loading mass so as to promote the mass utilization rate of trucks , on the premise that the loading volume of trucks was fully used ;

  3. 短时电能质量扰动变尺度标杆相似度识别即期目标、短期目标

    Classification of Short Duration Disturbances Based on Similarity of Varying Scale Benchmark Immediate objective

  4. 物流配送客户时间窗变动干扰管理研究短时电能质量扰动变尺度标杆相似度识别

    Study on Disruption Management for Customer Time Window Changes in Logistics Classification of Short Duration Disturbances Based on Similarity of Varying Scale Benchmark

  5. 一方面将标杆理论引入大型复杂项目的质量管理中,结合新领域的特点,对标杆理论及原应用模式进行改造和完善,建立业主主导型复合质量标杆管理模式。

    On the one hand , combining the characteristics of the large complex projects , the article made some modification and improvement of the original application pattern of the benchmarking theory , and established compound quality benchmarking management pattern .

  6. 建设雄安新区是千年大计。新区首先就要新在规划、建设的理念上,要体现出前瞻性、引领性。要全面贯彻新发展理念,坚持高质量发展要求,努力创造新时代高质量发展的标杆。

    Developing Xiong'an New Area is a strategy that will have lasting new development concepts and stick to high-quality growth so as to build Xiong'an New Area into a model of high-quality development in the new era .

  7. 匀质货物的体积和质量相对货车都比较均衡,以货车的体积质量比为标杆,对货车的容积和载质量利用率同时优化。

    Even goods were marked with the ratio of volume and mass to optimize the trucks ' loading volume and mass spontaneously , as both the dimension and load of goods were even relative to trucks .