
  1. 哈伯德因在戒毒康复领域所做的工作而为人所熟知。

    Hubbard was well known for his work in the field of drug rehabilitation .

  2. 方法··:根据对戒毒康复场所的调查资料和用户的意见要求,利用VISUALFOXPRO6.0编制程序,经试运行和用户的多次反馈意见,反复调试修改直至系统稳定运行。

    Methods : This system was programmed based on survey data on drug detoxification settings and users ' suggestions with Visual Foxpro 6.0 . After test run and users ' feedback , we debug the program several times until it runs steadily .

  3. 戒毒康复专业办学的思考

    A Rethought on the Construction of the Major Specialized in Anti-drug and Rehabilitation

  4. 成瘾者自愿戒毒康复中家庭联谊会介入的作用

    The Effect of Family Association in the Voluntary Detoxification - Rehabilitation for Addicts

  5. 结论:成瘾者家庭联谊会这种新的家庭介入方法,在成瘾者自愿接受戒毒康复治疗中有积极的影响和重要的作用。

    Conclusion : Family Association plays a very important role in the voluntary detoxification-rehabilitation treatment for addicts .

  6. 后来凯特参与了美国的一项戒毒康复计划,并为自己的行为道歉。

    She subsequently attended a drug rehabilitation program in the United States and apologized for her behavior .

  7. 安娜o大卫是RehabReviews.com的总编辑,这家网站上有将近900家戒毒康复机构的评论。

    Anna David is Editor-in-Chief of RehabReviews.com , a website with reviews of nearly 900 drug rehabilitation facilities .

  8. 戒毒康复工作者的职业倦怠与工龄、职称、工作量及性别的关系

    Job burnout of compulsory detoxification rehabilitation worker in relation to seniority , professional title , work load and sex

  9. 结论心理干预可减轻海洛因依赖者戒毒康复期的焦虑症状,提高脱毒治疗依从性。

    Conclusion psychological intervention can reduce the anxiety of heroin addicts during rehabilitation of detoxification treatment and enhance their compliance with medical treatment .

  10. ⑶将公共卫生方面的精神卫生预防控制体系功能延伸到社区戒毒康复。

    To extend the function of the system of prevention and control of mental health within public hygiene the public hygiene to community RAD .

  11. 目的··:了解海洛因依赖者在强制戒毒康复期抑郁症状的发生率和出现抑郁症状的原因。

    Objective : To understand the rate of depressive symptoms of heroin addicts during compulsory detoxification and rehabilitation period and the reason of producing depressive symptoms .

  12. 他们同时宣布将在马尼拉修两座桥梁,同时在棉兰老岛修建两座戒毒康复中心。

    They 've announced that work is getting underway on a pair of bridges in Manila , as well as two drug rehabilitation centers in Mindanao .

  13. 探讨戒毒康复工作者的职业倦怠状况,并分析工龄、职称、工作量及性别产生的差异。

    AIM : To study the job burnout of compulsory detoxification rehabilitation worker , and analyze the differences in seniority , professional title , work load and sex .

  14. 在实践探索中,分析出分类评估和干预的脱节问题及其影响因素,建立完善对社区戒毒康复人员的分类评估。

    In the practice exploration , analysis disconnection issues of classification assessment and intervention and its influencing factors , set up and perfect classification assessment of the community drug rehabilitation people .

  15. 如果你不想参观戒毒康复中心,出于保密原因,你可以登录到戒毒康复中心网站,并填补了网上资格预审的形式。

    If you don 't want to visit the drug rehabilitation center for confidentiality reasons , you can log on to the website of the drug rehabilitation center and fill up the online pre-qualification form .

  16. 目的:了解上海市社区戒毒康复现状,探索适合于上海戒毒康复体系和进一步完善措施。

    Objective : To understand the process of rehabilitation after detoxification ( RAD ) in Shanghai community and to investigate the model of RAD in keeping with Shanghai community and making progress in further perfect measures .

  17. 分类评估是对戒毒康复人员某一阶段的生理、心理、认知、行为、家庭和社会功能及其他等共六大类情况进行跟踪诊断,并给予客观、量化的评价。

    Classification assessment is a stage for drug rehabilitation people physical , psychological , family and social function , cognitive , behavior and other six aspects tracking and diagnosing , and to give an objective and quantitative evaluation .

  18. 中美戴托普戒毒治疗康复模式简介

    Rehabilitation model of China-U.S.A Daytop Village on drug detoxification

  19. 社区戒毒后康复;

    Rehabilitation after detoxification in community ;

  20. 全国综合预防药物滥用和戒毒、康复和重返社会理事会;

    National Council on the integral prevention of drug abuse and treatment , rehabilitation and social resettlement ;

  21. 香港的戒毒治疗与康复服务三年计划

    Three Year Plan for Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation Services in Hong Kong

  22. 关于社区戒毒和社区康复实施体系的探讨

    On the Community Drug Treatment and Implementation System of the Community-based Rehabilitation

  23. 戒毒治疗及康复政策检讨委员会

    Treatment and Rehabilitation Policy Review Committee

  24. 戒毒治疗和康复计划

    Drug treatment and rehabilitation programme

  25. 对戒毒人员实施综合康复治疗的效果

    Effect of Synthesized Rehabilitation on Detoxification Addicts

  26. 目的:探讨强制戒毒所心理疗法对戒毒者的康复效果。

    Objective : To explore the effect of psychotherapy on rehabilitation after detoxification .