
jiè yán lìnɡ
  • martial law;curfew;proclamation of martial law;curfew order
戒严令 [jiè yán lìng]
  • [martial law] 宣布实行戒严的命令

  1. 警方按照一条戒严令控制了各个城镇,大多数玻利维亚人被禁止离家,酒被禁止销售,国界也已关闭。

    Police took control of towns under an effective curfew , forbidding most Bolivians from leaving their homes and banning the sale of alcohol .

  2. 那就是我们为什么不叫他戒严令的原因。

    Which is why we won 't call it martial law .

  3. 审问严重违反戒严令的军用法庭。

    A military court to try serious breaches of martial law .

  4. 克拉克总统今日签署一项法案,颁布戒严令。

    President Clark has signed a decree today , declaring martial law .

  5. 只能对洛杉矶实行戒严令。

    But to impose Marshal law on the city of Los angeles .

  6. 德国这时就在这些城市宣布戒严令。

    Germany then declared martial law in these cities .

  7. 并且拟定一份戒严令的声明。

    A declaration of martial law .

  8. 宣布戒严令的布告已经贴出。我可以把这个通知贴在布告板上吗?

    The placards declaring martial law have gone up Can I stick this notice on the bulletin board ?

  9. 多数洪都拉斯民众都被夹在中间,在戒严令式的环境中生活,军人在街道上巡逻。

    Most Hondurans are caught in the middle , living under martial law conditions with nightly curfews and soldiers on the streets .

  10. 他补充道,戒严令就像是苦口良药,正是在政治和经济上患病的国家所需要的。

    He added that martial law was likely just the Ya Kom , or bitter medicine , the politically and economically ailing nation needed .

  11. 齐塔人之声已经表明过了,即使在进入到极移动前的几个钟头,强制实施戒严令也是不会得逞的。

    ZetaTalk has stated that Martial Law , even if imposed in the hours leading up to the pole shift , will not succeed .

  12. 如果范妮来了,两人谈起彼此的丈夫都牺牲在戒严令时期最黑暗的日子里,也会很有意思。

    There would be solace in Fanny 's presence , knowing that she and Fanny both had lost husbands in the black days of martial law .

  13. 但是戒严令无疑让他和军队置于全国人民的对立面,这适得其反,他现在有可能更加心烦意乱。

    But martial law has so clearly pitted him and the army against the rest of the country that , rather than gain a sharper focus , he is now likely to be even more distracted .