
jiè dú
  • rehabilitate from drug abuse;drug rehabilitation;kick a drug habit;detoxification;detoxify
  1. 哈伯德因在戒毒康复领域所做的工作而为人所熟知。

    Hubbard was well known for his work in the field of drug rehabilitation .

  2. 她曾在戒毒中心待了三个月。

    She was in a drug rehabilitation center for three months .

  3. 戒毒对他是个漫长、痛苦的过程。

    Coming off the drug was a long and painful process for him .

  4. 他进了戒毒所。

    He 's gone into detox .

  5. 物理疗法是戒毒治疗中的一种重要辅助性疗法。

    Physical therapy is an important adjunct to drug treatments

  6. 她帮助他戒毒。

    She helped him fight his drug addiction .

  7. 该组织请求市议会拨给戒毒中心更多的款,因为到这里来的年轻人非常多。

    The organization has asked the City Council for more money for the drug treatment centre , where so many young people are dropping in .

  8. Digitaldetox指一个人远离智能手机和电脑等电子设备的一段时间,以借此机会为自己减压或将关注点转移到真实世界的社交活动中,我们称之为“数字戒毒期”。

    Digital detox refers to a period of time during which a person refrains from using electronic devices such as smartphones or computers , regarded as an opportunity to reduce stress or focus on social interaction in the physical world . ( Source : Oxford Online dictionary ) For example :

  9. 你应该抛下你那些设备来一个“数字戒毒期”。

    You should break free of your devices and go on a digital detox .

  10. K市永昌街道办事处社区戒毒与无缝隙政府理论强调的理念还存在差距。

    There is some discrepancy between K city Yong Chang Street office working and the concept of seamless government .

  11. 广州市戒毒人员AIDS健康教育干预研究分析

    Research and analysis on interventions of AIDS health education for drug abusers in rehabilitation programme in Guangzhou City

  12. 986名戒毒人员HIV抗体检测和相关危险行为分析

    Detection of serum antibody against HIV from 986 drug users and analysis of relevant risk behavior characteristics

  13. 广州市男性与女性戒毒人群人口学和HIV相关危险行为特征的比较

    Comparative Analysis on the Demography and HIV-related High Risk Behavior between Male and Female Drug Users in Guangzhou

  14. 方法采用随机仓号整群抽样Methods,于2003年6月至2005年6月抽取广州市番禺区戒毒所戒毒人员,进行健康教育和行为干预;

    Methods A random cluster sampling method was employed to sample drug abusers in rehabilitation programme in Panyu District Drug Rehabilitation Center , Guangzhou City and to made AIDS health education and behavior intervention .

  15. 目的··:探讨适合强制戒毒的艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者、艾滋病(AIDS)病人的管理模式。

    Objective : To explore proper management patterns for drug addicts infected by HIV / AIDS on compulsory drug detoxification .

  16. 广州市某戒毒所戒毒人员HIV、HBV、HCV及梅毒感染状况的调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Prevalence of HIV , HBV , HCV and Syphilis in Drug Withdrawal Center in Guangzhou City

  17. 方法对186例自愿戒毒者在戒毒前后给予症状自评量表(SCL-90)评定。

    Methods 186 volunteer patients were assessed by SCL-90 before and after detoxifying treatment .

  18. 125例强制戒毒人员HIV抗体检测结果及对HIV感染态度调查分析

    Investigation and analysis on the attitudes toward HIV infection and the detection result of HIV antibody of 125 drug addicts under compulsory rehabilitation

  19. 结果在4243名戒毒者中,检出35名HIV抗体阳性者,平均检出率为0.82%。

    Results Among the 4 243 DUS , 35 HIV infected cases were detected and the average HIV detection rate was 0.82 % .

  20. 方法对125例强制戒毒人员进行HIV抗体检测;组织强制戒毒人员对HIV感染态度进行问卷调查。

    Methods 125 drug addicts under compulsory rehabilitation were organized to receive the HIV antibody detection and a questionnaire survey on their attitudes toward HIV infection .

  21. 以Engel模式为中心实施自愿戒毒的研究

    The Research on the Voluntary Detoxification Based on the Engel Model

  22. 目的探讨per基因与阿片类成瘾的相关性,进而寻找治疗阿片成瘾的基因戒毒疗法。

    Objective To investigate the role of period gene ( per ) in the physical and psychological dependence of opiate with ribozyme technology in order to find a novel gene therapy approach for opiate addiction .

  23. 目的:观察海洛因成瘾者戒毒治疗期间β内啡肽(βEP)含量变化的动态变化。

    Objective : To observe the changes of plasma β endorphin (β EP ) contents during heroin abstinence in heroin addicts .

  24. 干预后,对照男组和干预男组在戒毒信心、积极应对和消极应对方式上均无统计学差异(P0.05)。

    After the intervention , there were both no significant differences on the confidence and coping style between the man-control group and the man-intervention group ( P0.05 ) . 5 .

  25. 方法:随机整群抽取广西地区戒毒所176名感染HIV的药物依赖者,进行横断面调查,对其一般人口学资料和药物滥用情况进行分析。

    Methods : An investigation was conducted in 176 drug addicts with HIV infection in Guangxi drug rehabilitation centers . The demographic characteristics and drug abuse of the subjects were analyzed .

  26. Sheila和我正在一个戒毒中心谈话。她一直被押候在那里。

    Sheila and I are conversing at a drug treatment center , where she 's been remanded .

  27. 方法采用Zung编制的SAS、SDS,分5次让60例强制戒毒者按量表指导语进行独立自我评定。

    Methods 60 heroin addicts were asked independently self rating 5 times by Zung 's SAS and SDS according to the scales ' instruction .

  28. 方法··:根据对戒毒康复场所的调查资料和用户的意见要求,利用VISUALFOXPRO6.0编制程序,经试运行和用户的多次反馈意见,反复调试修改直至系统稳定运行。

    Methods : This system was programmed based on survey data on drug detoxification settings and users ' suggestions with Visual Foxpro 6.0 . After test run and users ' feedback , we debug the program several times until it runs steadily .

  29. 结果戒毒者中1名男性检出HIV(0.32%),HCV、梅毒感染率分别52.56%和11.22%。

    All the data in the research were kept confidential . Results The HIV positive rate was 0.32 % ( 1 man ), while the HCV infection rate was 52.56 % , and syphilis 11.22 % .

  30. 通过SAS和SDS自评,表明戒毒人员存在有较高的焦虑和抑郁,并与药物渴求及其程度呈正相关。

    By SAS and SDS , the result shows that the patients have a high degree of anxiety and depression , which is positive correlated with the drug craving and its degree .