
ɡōnɡ kāi sài
  • open tournament;open competition;open event;open game
  1. 杰夫:下个月北京市将举办在京留学生的网球公开赛,如果有兴趣,你可报名参赛。

    Jeff : Next month , Beijing will hold a tennis open competition for the foreign students in Beijing . Are you interested in it ?

  2. 积极推荐江苏省符合条件的网球教练员参加ATP大师赛和中国网球公开赛比赛工作和业务培训;积极引进网球人才,丰富网球教练员的培养机制。

    Positive recommendation in Jiangsu Province eligible to participate in ATP Masters tennis coaches and the China Open Competition and operational training ; actively introduce tennis professionals , rich tennis coach training system .

  3. 在美国公开赛上获胜的是谁?

    Who was it that won the US Open ?

  4. 在美国网球公开赛决赛中,格拉芙始终保持优势。

    In the United States Open final , Graf retained overall supremacy .

  5. 福尔多对于自己第三次赢得全英公开赛充满信心。

    Faldo was bullish about his chances of winning a third British Open .

  6. 安德烈·阿加西持外卡参加了斯德哥尔摩公开赛。

    Andre Agassi accepted a wild card to play in the Stockholm Open .

  7. 福尔多重整旗鼓,赢得了他的第三个高尔夫球公开赛冠军。

    Faldo came back from the dead to win his third Open golf championship .

  8. 他所到之处人们都介绍他是本届美国公开赛的冠军。

    Everywhere he went he was introduced as the current United States Open Champion .

  9. 巴基斯坦的詹谢尔汗取得了新加坡公开赛男子决赛的胜利。

    Pakistan 's Jansher Khan has won the men 's final at the Singapore Open .

  10. 比利时选手爱德华多·马索进入了在希尔弗瑟姆举行的荷兰公开赛的决赛。

    The Belgian player Eduardo Masso has reached the final of the Dutch Open in Hilversum

  11. 我希望在温布尔登网球公开赛上至少可以进入四分之一决赛。

    The very least I 'm looking for at Wimbledon is to reach the quarter-finals .

  12. 本·霍根以287杆的成绩赢得了美国高尔夫公开赛。

    The U.S. Open golf tournament was won by Ben Hogan , with a score of 287

  13. 这是一场胜负已定的比赛,沃森不负众望赢得了他第四次高尔夫公开赛的冠军。

    It was the beginning of the end and Watson duly went on to win his fourth Open Golf Championship

  14. 那年主场作战的他在中国残疾人羽毛球国际公开赛上获得三枚金牌。

    He finished the year with three golds in front of a home crowd at the China badminton International .

  15. 作为一名实用主义者,她于1972年与美国网球公开赛(USOpen)赛事总监进行了一次会面,要用手中的企业资金来弥合奖金差距。

    A pragmatist , she arrived at a meeting with the US Open 's tournament director in 1972 with corporate funds in hand to bridge the prize gap .

  16. 我说的当然是澳大利亚网球公开赛(AustralianOpen),它是四大满贯赛事的第一站。

    I am speaking , of course , of the Australian Open , the tennis tournament that kicks off the Grand Slam quartet .

  17. 由于腿部受伤,老虎伍兹(TigerWoods)自1995年以来首次没有参加美国公开赛。

    Tiger Woods is missing his first US Open since nineteen ninety-five . He is out with leg injuries .

  18. 2006年BMW亚洲公开赛4月举行

    BMW Asia 2006 To Be Held In April

  19. 爸爸开玩笑地说,如果Jenny练得那么勤,就可以参加环法自行车公开赛了。

    Dad : Ha ! If you practice that much , you can join the Tour de France !

  20. 中国业余篮球公开赛(CBO)现状分析及启示

    A Study on Current Situation of Chinese Basketball Open and Its Inspirations

  21. 59岁的Watson为了赢得英国公开赛,在最后一洞时需要进行短暂的尝试。

    The fifty-nine year old Watson needed to make a short attempt on his final hole to win the British Open .

  22. 比如拉夫·劳伦的新款PoloTech智能上衣在美国网球公开赛上收集球童的心率与压力水平信息。

    Ralph Lauren 's new Polo Tech smart shirts gathered information about the heart rate and stress levels of United States Open ball boys .

  23. 今年早些时候,13岁的关天朗在天津的沃尔沃中国公开赛(VolvoChinaOpen)上开球,成为参加欧洲职业高尔夫球巡回赛(EuropeanPGATour)的最年轻选手。

    Earlier this year , at age 13 , he became the youngest player to take part in a European PGA Tour event when he teed off at the Volvo China Open in Tianjin .

  24. 在关天朗之前,14岁的中国选手张华创(AndyZhang)于今年6月通过资格赛,成为史上最年轻的美国公开赛参赛者。

    Guan 's success follows that of compatriot Andy Zhang , who in June came through qualifying to become the youngest-ever U.S. Open competitor at the age of 14 .

  25. CNN主播娜塔莉·艾伦:中国的李娜是周六法国网球公开赛女单决赛的赢家,成为首位夺下大满贯赛单打冠军的亚洲选手。

    NATALIE ALLEN , CNN ANCHOR : China 's Li Na is the winner of Saturday 's French player to clinch a grand-slam singles title .

  26. 墨西哥网球公开赛即将于周一在太平洋阿卡普尔科度假村开始。比赛开始之前,职业网球联合会ATP提醒参赛选手注意安全。

    The professional tennis association , the ATP , has warned players about security ahead of the start of the Mexican Open in the Pacific resort of Acapulco on Monday .

  27. 虽然这一年我已经收到太多的高尔夫邀请,但这次有望成为一个高潮,特别是他还建议我们在Merion打球,这里刚刚重新成为美国公开赛(USOpenChampionship)的场地。

    In a year already overflowing with golf treats , this promised to be a highlight , especially as he suggested we play Merion , just restored to the US Open Championship circuit , as well .

  28. 尽管台球已经风靡世界各地,ESPN也时常转播职业球队的公开赛,但却始终未能赢得世人尊重的目光。

    Despite its universal popularity and frequent airtime on ESPN with professionally organized tournaments , billiards has rarely enjoyed universal respect .

  29. 通过对中国业余篮球公开赛(CBO)的详细介绍,概括分析了我国业余篮球市场的现状。

    This paper analyzes the present situation and causes of Chinese basketball market through the detailed presentation of Chinese Basketball Open ( CBO ) .

  30. 在悉尼举行的WTA公开赛上输给了比利时的克立杰斯特之后,这次是李娜今年以来获得的第二个半决赛权。

    This is Li 's second semi-final this year after she lost in the last four to Belgian KimClijsters at the WTA Sydney tournament .