
gōng shǔ
  • government office
公署 [gōng shǔ]
  • (1) [government office]

  • (2) (旧时公务人员办理政事的处所 b)

  • (3) ∶负责处理国家某方面事务的机关

  • 海关公署

  • 专员公署

公署[gōng shǔ]
  1. 他表示,保护香港居民在海外的合法权益是公署工作的重要组成部分。

    He said that safeguarding Hong Kong citizens ' legal rights and interests overseas is an important component of the Government Office work .

  2. 在这些经授权的对外事务方面,公署严格遵守基本法的规定,只向特区政府提供支持和协助,起协调和联络的作用,具体事务的处理完全由特区政府负责。

    With regard to authorized foreign affairs , the government office strictly abides by basic law regulations , and only provides the SAR government with support and assistance , playing a co-ordination and liaison role , while the SAR government is wholly responsible for the handling of specific affairs .

  3. 他给德里的英国高级专员公署发了份电传。

    He sent a telex to the British High Commission in Delhi .

  4. 教皇方济各及联合国难民事务高级专员公署(UNHighCommissionerforRefugees)称,首要任务必须是在海上拯救生命。

    The Pope and UN High Commissioner for Refugees say the priority must be saving lives at sea .

  5. 去年12月,联合国难民事务高级专员公署(UNHighCommissionerforRefugees)呼吁欧盟为在内战中流离失所的叙利亚人提供13万个安置点。

    In December , the UN High Commissioner for Refugees appealed to the EU to provide 130,000 resettlement places for Syrians displaced by the civil war .

  6. 审计长公署表示,印度军官控股的一家私有公司,在国防部(MinistryofDefence)所有的逾8000英亩土地上经营着97个高尔夫球场。国防部是拥有土地最多的政府部门。

    The CAG said a privately held company controlled by army officials ran 97 golf courses on more than 8,000 acres of land owned by the Ministry of Defence , the biggest government landowner .

  7. 香港廉政公署(IndependentCommissionAgainstCorruption)拒绝评论当地媒体的猜测,即相关指控涉及在许仕仁担任公职期间该公司据信给予他的财务好处。

    The Independent Commission Against Corruption refused to comment on local media speculation that the allegations were related to financial favours the company was said to have bestowed on Mr Hui when he was a public servant .

  8. 2000年6月,时任南非驻香港高级专员公署(SouthAfricanHighCommissioninHongKong)外交官的格雷戈里•迪耶布(GregDe'Eb)参加了由香港贸易发展局组织的会议,主题是探讨香港能否成为亚洲的葡萄酒贸易中心。

    It was in June 2000 when Greg De'Eb , a diplomat at the South African High Commission in Hong Kong , attended a conference organized by the territory 's trade-development council asking whether the region could become the wine-trading center of Asia .

  9. 廉政公署发言人alantse表示,廉署将继续展开调查,然后向律政司副刑事检控专员提交报告,由其最后决定是否起诉。

    Alan TSE , a spokesperson , said the commission would continue with its inquiries before submitting a report to the Deputy public prosecutor , who would have the final say on whether to press charges .

  10. 廉政公署〔前称总督特派廉政专员公署〕在香港,调查官的机构已经建立了很多年,廉政公署(ICAC)的相关媒体鼓励人们举报腐败。

    In Hong Kong , where the institution of an ombudsman has existed for many years , media coverage of the Independent Commission against Corruption ( ICAC ) is encouraging people to come forward with information about corruption .

  11. 所以,县公署的承审员,简直没有事做。

    Thus the county judicial assistant simply has nothing to do .

  12. 审计工作质量事后检验审查工作报告〔廉政公署〕

    Post-audit quality review assignment report [ Independent Commission Against Corruption ]

  13. 驻港国安公署的职责包括收集有关国家安全的情报信息。

    Its tasks include collecting intelligence and information regarding national security .

  14. 加拿大高级专员公署设在伦敦的特拉法尔加广场。

    The Canadian High Commission is in Trafalgar Square in london .

  15. 英国在渥太华的高级专员公署

    British high commission in ottawa or the uk high commission in ottawa

  16. 高级专员公署的工作人员被告知不要和记者谈话。

    The high commission staff were told not to speak to journalists .

  17. 商业道德活动计划大纲〔廉政公署〕

    Business Ethics Programme Plan [ Independent Commission Against Corruption ]

  18. 因为在联合国难民事务高级专员公署工作,所以我先去了叙利亚。

    I first went to Syria because I work with U.N.H.C.R.

  19. 走出传统:北洋政府时期的县公署制度

    The County Administration System in the Northern Warlords Government Period

  20. 他作为翻译成了高级专员公署中的成员。

    She was joined the high commission as an interpreter .

  21. 我们亦会视乎情况,知会领事馆及海外商务专员公署。

    We will also notify consulates and overseas trade commissions where appropriate .

  22. 联合国难民事务高级专员公署说,该机构已经没有资金帮助苏丹南部的难民返回家园。

    UNHCR Running Out of Money to Repatriate Southern Sudan Refugees

  23. 社区关系市民咨询委员会〔廉政公署〕

    Citizens Advisory Committee on Community Relations [ Independent Commission Against Corruption ]

  24. 英国高级专员公署的代理首脑。

    The acting head of the British high commission .

  25. 新中国成立后,以行政公署建制。

    After the founding of New China , to the Civil Administration formed .

  26. 廉政公署的经费由政府一般收入中拨付。

    The expenses of the Commission shall be charged to the general revenue .

  27. 新加坡共和国驻加纳最高专员公署

    High Commission of the Republic of Singapore - Ghana

  28. 台湾省行政长官公署建立与撤销缘由考

    On Establishment and Abolishment of Taiwan Administrative office

  29. 他这样走到了省长公署,过后又到了教士培养所。

    In this way he came to the prefecture , then to the seminary .

  30. 我们参观完海洋公署后又坐公交车去了增空博物馆。

    Having visited Ocean park , we took a bus to the space museum .